hecal3 / vim-leader-guide

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Make information about timeoutlen more explicit #40

Open fuine opened 7 years ago

fuine commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to set up this plugin and I just spent a hefty amount of time debugging a ghost popup (vim would wait indefinitely until I pressed <ESC> and then flash the guide, closing it instantly). I got it resolved by removing set notimeout from my .vimrc. After I got it to work I found this line in the README:

After pressing leader the guide buffer will pop up when there are no further keystrokes within timeoutlen.

I think that if you made this line more explicit (e.g. bold and/or bigger) it would potentially save some time and nerves clumsy people like me :)

Thanks for the great plugin!

Tehnix commented 7 years ago

Yeah, it can catch you if you miss it.

I'm personally running with

set timeoutlen=300
set ttimeoutlen=0

in my project for it :)