hecht-software / box2dweb

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Linked Box2DFlash reference is gone #56

Open bartvanheukelom opened 2 years ago

bartvanheukelom commented 2 years ago

http://www.box2dflash.org/docs/2.1a/reference/ was removed, though the website itself is still up.

I found a backup at https://web.archive.org/web/20200115190127/http://www.box2dflash.org/docs/2.1a/reference/

8Observer8 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the link. It will help me in rewriting the tutorial examples https://kerp.net/box2d/ from ActionScript to JavaScript/TypeScript. But I think box2dweb is legacy. It is better to use Planck.js. It is the Box2D port too.

Lesson 1.1 - Introduction to Chapter 1 - http://youtu.be/2NvNoBUNIX0 Lesson 1.2 - Disclaimers, thanks, and comments - http://youtu.be/jhKWFgvR8No Lesson 1.3 - What you're gonna need... - http://youtu.be/rB_WrFt4-5s Lesson 1.4 - Understanding Box2D - http://youtu.be/95lW-zWkZPE Lesson 1.5 - The kinda long and boring lesson on setting everything up - http://youtu.be/MDtGGyI8OTc Lesson 1.6 - Creating the world and getting to know some classes - http://youtu.be/WzIacPkLtIc Lesson 1.7 - Defining the size of the universe - http://youtu.be/vYksP9ctHMI Lesson 1.8 - A quick digression about units - http://youtu.be/CnCS2NeBZ0E Lesson 1.9 - Finishing up our b2World object - http://youtu.be/lVtVKeGiBco Lesson 1.10 - If you're following along and getting errors... - http://youtu.be/7yqEjjFfrIE Lesson 1.11 - How do you make a body? - http://youtu.be/h6TozLhho80 Lesson 1.12 - Creating our first shape definition - http://youtu.be/sbbsvKMMr_w Lesson 1.13 - Finishing up our floor - http://youtu.be/OSwRv4Nzdz0 Lesson 1.14 - Creating the walls - http://youtu.be/iCLP-Ok1ab4 Lesson 1.15 - Creating our falling crate - http://youtu.be/31sVPYW3icE Lesson 1.16 - Making our world update over time - http://youtu.be/_MbfGRD8Ibk Lesson 1.17 - Let's Get Visual, Visual - http://youtu.be/KNm8fdkrFuE Lesson 1.18 - Adding lots of crates! Whee! - http://youtu.be/1d72y6oX9nc Lesson 1.19 - Experimenting with our values - http://youtu.be/2PCeecp3vv4 Lesson 1.20 - The difference between a shape and a body - http://youtu.be/s_t0MaFDUsM Lesson 1.21 - Defs, OrientedBoxes, and Coordinates - http://youtu.be/g0FR0WCVFFA Lesson 1.22 - Conclusion - http://youtu.be/Di5rrYHhN6g

Chapter 2: Making Puggle

Lesson 2.1 - Making a real application -- an Introduction to Chapter 2 - http://youtu.be/85FoF_w-HOM Lesson 2.2 - Everything we did in Chapter 1 in about six minutes - http://youtu.be/SPAEPPGClQg Lesson 2.3 - Getting a Sprite to move like a Body - http://youtu.be/fyDGU0haNcg Lesson 2.4 - Introducing the Actor Class! - http://youtu.be/deA4MMsuOHk Lesson 2.5 - Creating our first Actor class - http://youtu.be/7e7iF2_Dr0o Lesson 2.6 - Creating the BallActor class - http://youtu.be/ouEkR8Wlg_E Lesson 2.7 - Creating the PegActor, Part 1 - http://youtu.be/5wQIrISylxs Lesson 2.8 - Creating the PegActor, Part 2 - http://youtu.be/268gpaMz0XE Lesson 2.9 - Adding all those pegs to the world - http://youtu.be/bjeiNwIv5DY Lesson 2.10 - The ArbitraryStaticActor... as exciting as it sounds! - http://youtu.be/HJ8HeREdjmM Lesson 2.11 - Finishing the ArbiStaticActor, and adding some walls - http://youtu.be/FZ9SdB4M9og Lesson 2.12 - Adding some ramps! Yay! - http://youtu.be/G0sqizu4XqQ Lesson 2.13 - Discussion Questions, like "Why isn't Todd a better coder?" - http://youtu.be/5pxRiw7wuA4 Lesson 2.14 - More Discussion Questions that you probably weren't wondering about - http://youtu.be/Q9JHCTqsY0E Lesson 2.15 - Getting to know the b2ContactListener - http://youtu.be/FklxMpYi8ww Lesson 2.16 - Figuring out who bumped into who - http://youtu.be/OBVxTSJjRGs Lesson 2.17 - Making a peg light up! And some warnings... - http://youtu.be/eP4T8BE7qq0 Lesson 2.18 - How to remove an Actor (insert Hollywood-themed joke here) - http://youtu.be/MGX8GOmzJ8A Lesson 2.19 - Finishing that Actor's destroy() function - http://youtu.be/CgK3IgYnua4 Lesson 2.20 - Removing our ball and creating a custom event - http://youtu.be/tOgNzVRe_po Lesson 2.21 - Removing those PegActors we took so long to make (sigh) - http://youtu.be/YT34taQO3QI Lesson 2.22 - Our game's got a lotta balls. - http://youtu.be/KnEODTxkg54 Lesson 2.23 - Creating the BonusChuteActor class - http://youtu.be/0hQ8CJT2kxc Lesson 2.24 - Adding a sensor to our BonusChute - http://youtu.be/MZLizo67dA0 Lesson 2.25 - Getting a platform to move -- the wrong way - http://youtu.be/Kiy28DvQxnA Lesson 2.26 - Getting a platform to move -- the right way - http://youtu.be/C1sgWy07Ek4 Lesson 2.27 - Fixing bugs in our platform and using bullets - http://youtu.be/WBvAnaxJ9KI Lesson 2.28 - Introducing the camera! - http://youtu.be/PLcsxKRPVbw Lesson 2.29 - Making our camera dumbly zoom in - http://youtu.be/ess3kNVvvF8 Lesson 2.30 - Tracking our ball and Goal Peg - http://youtu.be/2oAcFim65is Lesson 2.31 - Zooming in, the smart way - http://youtu.be/JMTb0PJp1_w Lesson 2.32 - How to control time! (Katana not required) - http://youtu.be/K6Oh-8Yux_8 Lesson 2.33 - Cleaning up, part 1: Removing the flicker - http://youtu.be/DsGJ41ERIKE Lesson 2.34 - Cleaning up, part 2: Allowing multiple goal pegs - http://youtu.be/H_I0gpqvb6E Lesson 2.35 - Creating the aiming line, part 1 - http://youtu.be/v0HHg3nrWCE Lesson 2.36 - Creating the aiming line, part 2 - http://youtu.be/pv-VLmurMo0 Lesson 2.37 - Tweaking the settings - http://youtu.be/dntwtnGDDdY Lesson 2.38 - Making a rotating shooter turret thing - http://youtu.be/BIIYnGseBTM Lesson 2.39 - Oops! Fixing one bug with the shooter - http://youtu.be/1i7H2B7hPOM Lesson 2.40 - Making a smooth camera zoom through TweenLite - http://youtu.be/R98ER9iREW8 Lesson 2.41 - Smoothing the zoom out and slow down moments - http://youtu.be/led40OjZtjI Lesson 2.42 - Making the pegs fade out - http://youtu.be/iVuJhoTO2dw Lesson 2.43 - How to NOT make Peggle - http://youtu.be/24Rm18C5E_I Lesson 2.44 - Turning our static pegs to moving pegs - http://youtu.be/ZU5P7kPdURM Lesson 2.45 - REALLY turning our static pegs into moving ones - http://youtu.be/7lHoKW2j1o4 Lesson 2.46 - Getting our chute to follow our mouse - http://youtu.be/Pc6PJha93cI Lesson 2.47 - Making our pegs react more realistically, part 1 - http://youtu.be/7AQv88f14-M Lesson 2.48 - Even more realistic pegs, ApplyForce and ApplyImpulse - http://youtu.be/IgUr4xrcTEI Lesson 2.49 - Normals and crazy mathy stuff - http://youtu.be/JruODUnV2o4 Lesson 2.50 - Final to-do list and conclusion - http://youtu.be/pUZ-PVCquOI

bartvanheukelom commented 2 years ago

Ah thanks, I didn't know about Planck.js. I'm working on an older project that was already built with box2dweb so I'm "stuck" with that, but good to know.