hecht-software / box2dweb

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conflict between box2dweb and socket.io versions 3 and 4 #57

Open jim-miller-gac opened 1 year ago

jim-miller-gac commented 1 year ago

socket.io (versions 3 and 4) does not connect if box2dweb is in the global scope of the web page. Get the following error when calling the io method:

manager.js:21 Uncaught TypeError: _this.reconnection is not a function at new Manager (manager.js:21:14) at lookup (index.js:29:25) at socketio-chat-with-box2d.html:27:20


Below is a link showing the socket.io chat demo running normally and two links to pages with the error (see error in console). The second of the error pages has the box2dweb code in a closure in an attempt to reduce possible global-namespace interactions.

Also ran ESLint on the original and a closure-wrapped version of the box2dweb code. Rules and reports are shown below.

The problem is very likely in the box2dweb code, an interaction in the global namespace, but don't see specifically what it is.


Thank you.

--------- more info ---------

my node app on heroku is running: express@4.18.2 socket.io@4.5.4 (note: the app sleeps and can take a few seconds to wake.)

socket.io chat demo running without error: https://www.timetocode.org/socketio-chat.html

Same chat demo with box2dweb included (see error in console): https://www.timetocode.org/socketio-chat-with-box2d.html box2dweb: https://www.timetocode.org/Box2D-original.js.html

Same chat demo but with box2dweb included in a closure (see error in console): https://www.timetocode.org/socketio-chat-with-box2d-wrapped.html box2dweb in a closure: https://www.timetocode.org/Box2D-original-wrapped.js.html

ESLint rules and reports:

module.exports = { "env": { "browser": true, "es2021": true }, "extends": "eslint:recommended", "overrides": [ ], "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": "latest", "sourceType": "script" }, "rules": { "no-extra-semi": "off", "no-unused-vars": "off", "no-global-assign": "error", "no-extend-native": "error", "no-implicit-globals": "error" } }

report on Box2D-original-wrapped.js

22:20 Error Shadowing of global property 'undefined'. no-shadow-restricted-names 955:17 Error Unexpected constant condition. no-constant-condition 1360:46 Error Empty block statement. no-empty 1762:13 Error Move function declaration to function body root. no-inner-declarations 1776:19 Error 'i' is already defined. no-redeclare 2980:18 Error Empty block statement. no-empty 3398:13 Error Unreachable code. no-unreachable 4488:15 Error Empty block statement. no-empty 6911:14 Error Unexpected constant condition. no-constant-condition 10199:56 Error Empty block statement. no-empty

report on Box2D-original.js

18:5 Error Unexpected 'var' declaration in the global scope, wrap in an IIFE for a local variable, assign as global property for a global variable. no-implicit-globals 20:17 Error Shadowing of global property 'undefined'. no-shadow-restricted-names 70:5 Error Unexpected 'var' declaration in the global scope, wrap in an IIFE for a local variable, assign as global property for a global variable. no-implicit-globals 71:5 Error Unexpected 'var' declaration in the global scope, wrap in an IIFE for a local variable, assign as global property for a global variable. no-implicit-globals 953:14 Error Unexpected constant condition. no-constant-condition 1358:43 Error Empty block statement. no-empty 1760:10 Error Move function declaration to function body root. no-inner-declarations 1774:16 Error 'i' is already defined. no-redeclare 2978:15 Error Empty block statement. no-empty 3396:10 Error Unreachable code. no-unreachable 4486:12 Error Empty block statement. no-empty 6909:11 Error Unexpected constant condition. no-constant-condition 10197:53 Error Empty block statement. no-empty 10864:5 Error Unexpected 'var' declaration in the global scope, wrap in an IIFE for a local variable, assign as global property for a global variable. no-implicit-globals

jim-miller-gac commented 1 year ago

I see now that this is a new example of an old bug as discussed in issues 41, 43, and 44. As discussed, there are several similar ways to eliminate the problem.

I chose to change Object.prototype.defineProperty to Object.defineProperty in the first IF statement: https://www.timetocode.org/Box2D.js.html

Unfortunate that the code in this repository has not been updated.

You can download an updated version here: https://www.timetocode.org/Box2D.js