hechtus / squeezebox-googlemusic

Squeezebox (Logitech Media Server) Plugin for Google Play Music
103 stars 24 forks source link

404 error when configuring #101

Open Duberry opened 7 years ago

Duberry commented 7 years ago


I see that somebody has posted this in an earlier thread with no resolution.

Plugin appears to have installed. When I go to the settings menu though, I get: "404 Not Found: plugins/Extensions/settings/plugins/GoogleMusic/settings/basic.html "

Other 3rd party plugins are installed and work (CastBridge). I've tried installing into both the /plugins and the /cache/Installedplugins directory and grepped through all the code looking for something obvious but I'm stumped.

Does anybody have a solution to this?

jschanz commented 7 years ago

There are a lot of untested and "works for me" solutions of this plugin forked at Github, but no solution which works out of the box. The most recent and complete project seems to be https://github.com/squeezebox-googlemusic/squeezebox-googlemusic, but the https-repo doesn't work for me there.

So I found for me a solution to install the plugin in the following way:

  1. add the following repo to your mediaserver plugin page http://nick7634.github.io/squeezebox-googlemusic/repository/repo.xml

This repo worked for me on my old mediaserver with version 7.7.5, but not with 7.9.0. There I get also an 404. That doesn't matter now. Install the plugin in the usual way and restart your mediaserver. The configuration should result also in a 404.

  1. Now get the following file with wget or any other download manager http://squeezebox-googlemusic.github.io/squeezebox-googlemusic/repository/GoogleMusic-v0.6.0.zip

Overwrite the complete content of the GoogleMusic folder from nick7634... with the content from the zip-files hint: /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/GoogleMusic

  1. Restart Logitech Mediaserver and check if configuration is working.

It think there is something with version checking or something else.