hechtus / squeezebox-googlemusic

Squeezebox (Logitech Media Server) Plugin for Google Play Music
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Artist names are different on squeezebox plugin and on music.google.com #58

Open asplundj opened 9 years ago

asplundj commented 9 years ago

On google.music.com artists with different spelling are merged as the same artist. I find this very convienient. However, on the squeezebox these are separate artists which is very annoying. This is especially problematic when the metadata is poor. For instance the album "Nightmares" by "From ashes rise" has one song which have the wrong artist name wrong "From ashes Arise". In order to play this song on my squeezebox I have to choose the artist "From ashes arise"

Other examples: DS 13 / DS-13 Anais Mitchell /Anaïs Mitchell

Because of this problem squeezebox lists 116 artists from my library and music.google.com lists 95 artists.

Perhaps this a problem with the API. if so, perhaps someone could forward this report to the right person.

Thanks Johan

simon-weber commented 9 years ago

Interesting. I know that Google Music will do this kind of stuff when suggesting tags, but I didn't know it did anything automatically.

What happens when you select the songs in Google Music and hit "edit info"?

asplundj commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. Edit info semi-solves the problem. Correcting the artist names lists all albums under the correct artist name but the old incorrect names are still present in "my library". As such, for "Youth of Today" I know have all albums in one place but I still have the artist "Youth Of Today" with one album.

simon-weber commented 9 years ago

Huh, so it sounds as if Google Music is cleaning up your metadata on the clientside? In the interest of keeping gmusicapi simple, I generally don't implement any clientside features.