hechtus / squeezebox-googlemusic

Squeezebox (Logitech Media Server) Plugin for Google Play Music
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I'm Feeling Lucky doesn't seem to randomise playlist #64

Open brettjenkins opened 9 years ago

brettjenkins commented 9 years ago


I noticed this today, as I started using I'm Feeling Lucky again - it seems that I'm Feeling Lucky in the playlist gets stuck on a genre, so in my case it was playing Motown - now no matter how many times I restarted the playlist from the GMusic plugin, it was always playing Motown. However, when I go to the Google Music web client and click I'm Feeling Lucky, it changed to more 80s music, then playing I'm Feeling Lucky in the plugin showed 80s music.

Basically, the genre seems to get stuck until I click I'm Feeling Lucky on the Google Music website, I'm not sure if there's some call that can be made to re-seed the playlist before taking the playlist?

Thanks for the great plugin :)

ghost commented 9 years ago

I'd like to second this!

Both I'm feeling lucky and the general radio functions don't seem to be reporting bqck to the Google Servers, so they tend to repeat. This is unfortunate, since these features work exceptionally well on Gmusic compared to all other streaming services.

Can this be fixed?


unbehagen commented 9 years ago

The function get_station_tracks in the unofficial google music api has a parameter recently_played_ids, a list of recently played track ids retrieved from the selected station to avoid playing duplicates.