hechtus / squeezebox-googlemusic

Squeezebox (Logitech Media Server) Plugin for Google Play Music
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Playlist only plays first song #70

Closed Drew5316 closed 9 years ago

Drew5316 commented 9 years ago

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1423576925 @ Wed Feb 11 04:05:18 UTC 2015 Google Music plug-in: v0.4.1

When I start a Playlist in Google Music via my Android phone or via the server webpage (port 9000), it plays the first song fine, but will not play the next song. Only way I've found to get it to "work" is to toggle the software power button on the remote or the server webpage, off then back on again. Annoying to do for every song in a playlist.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for the great work on the plug-in. When it works (I've used this successfully in a previous installation) it's really awesome.


hechtus commented 9 years ago

Does this only apply to playlists or also for albums and radio stations?

Drew5316 commented 9 years ago

Yes, behavior is the same on albums and radio, however, I'm getting inconsistent behavior among players. Will research and get back with results. Thanks.


Drew5316 commented 9 years ago

Yeah, the inconsistent behavior is still there, but it's definitely occurring enough to be an issue of concern. Any thoughts on how to get it to play all the way through? Or what I can test and return information?

hechtus commented 9 years ago

You said that it worked in a previous installation. What was the exact version of the LMS and plugin?

Which players (clients) are effected?

Drew5316 commented 9 years ago

Previous installation (needed to check my notes on my Wiki): LMS 7.7.3 with gmusicapi 3.1.1 on Linux Mint 16 32-bit, using Squeezelite as the player (unknown version)

Current installation: LMS: 7.8.1 Google Music Plugin: 0.4.1 Linux Mint 17.1 32-bit Players: Squeezelite: 1.7 (Linux Mint 17.1 laptop — this is the important one), Squeeze Player 1.3.10 (Android Nexus 5), Squeezebox Boom, SqueezePlay 7.8.0r539 (Mac OS X 10.8.3)

So a lot of testing, and not 100% sure, but it seems to be related to if Clementine music player had been active. Quitting Clementine releases the audio port, but LMS behaves very odd — doesn't skip ahead in the song when selecting a different (non-current) location either from the server webpage or Logitech remote. Next song won't play unless "next" is hit or selected from the playlist.

Not sure if there's a process to kill to let LMS regain control or not...?

Best I could do is either remove Clementine entirely or if it's used, I have to reboot to gain full control of LMS, again.


Drew5316 commented 9 years ago

After doing a bit of research, it seems to be pointing to how PulseAudio handles the ports, but I can't understand how that would affect LMS...? (I could just be throwing darts, so feel free to stop me.)


Drew5316 commented 9 years ago

Is there a procedure for generating a log for recording this odd behavior?


Drew5316 commented 9 years ago

I've gone a couple days after removing Clementine and have not had the issue recur.
