for some reasons i'm unable to receive to video stream. Neither with the seperated samples nor with the combinated one (SenderToReceiver scene).
the desktop duplication on the sender scene works like expected. I tried to diasble all firewalls on the machine and i tested without unity (the comiled exe-files).
If i hit the play button on the sender scene the compiler tells me: "uNvEncoder has not been initialized yet." - this is in my opinion possible due to not compiling this.
the receiver scene got me when i hit the play button on unity3d: "DllNotFoundException: uNvPipe" - possible also related to not compiling stuff.
Have you any hint for me, how i can debug this behavior or do u have any idea what could goin wrong on my site.
for some reasons i'm unable to receive to video stream. Neither with the seperated samples nor with the combinated one (SenderToReceiver scene).
the desktop duplication on the sender scene works like expected. I tried to diasble all firewalls on the machine and i tested without unity (the comiled exe-files).
If i hit the play button on the sender scene the compiler tells me: "uNvEncoder has not been initialized yet." - this is in my opinion possible due to not compiling this.
the receiver scene got me when i hit the play button on unity3d: "DllNotFoundException: uNvPipe" - possible also related to not compiling stuff.
Have you any hint for me, how i can debug this behavior or do u have any idea what could goin wrong on my site.
thanks and best regards