hect0x7 / JMComic-Crawler-Python

Python API for JMComic | 提供Python API访问禁漫天堂,同时支持网页端和移动端 | 禁漫天堂GitHub Actions下载器🚀
MIT License
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文档优化 #250

Closed hect0x7 closed 3 weeks ago

hect0x7 commented 3 weeks ago

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago


Rate limit exceeded

@hect0x7 has exceeded the limit for the number of commits or files that can be reviewed per hour. Please wait 15 minutes and 28 seconds before requesting another review.

How to resolve this issue? After the wait time has elapsed, a review can be triggered using the `@coderabbitai review` command as a PR comment. Alternatively, push new commits to this PR. We recommend that you space out your commits to avoid hitting the rate limit.
How do rate limits work? CodeRabbit enforces hourly rate limits for each developer per organization. Our paid plans have higher rate limits than the trial, open-source and free plans. In all cases, we re-allow further reviews after a brief timeout. Please see our [FAQ](https://coderabbit.ai/docs/faq) for further information.
Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between 961d712bf307643c90cb4e79f54e1e2906270f4b and c8711471fa68bd8c0f4b0fb273d4a85d96740aba.


The core functionality of the project has been refined to focus exclusively on downloading comics, incorporating various related APIs and functionalities, including search, categorization, chapter details, encryption/decryption, and personal favorites management. In conjunction, documentation has been extensively updated and restructured to better reflect these changes and provide clearer guidance. Overall, the changes aim to streamline and enhance user interaction with comic-related content.


Files Change Summary
README.md Updated summary to emphasize the focus on downloading comics and describe new API implementations.
assets/docs/sources/index.md Comprehensive restructuring and content updates, including altering titles, adding tutorial links, and revising sections.
assets/docs/sources/tutorial/0_common_usage.md Updated heading for better clarity.
assets/docs/sources/tutorial/1_github_actions.md Adjusted tutorial title for improved meaning.
assets/docs/sources/tutorial/4_module_custom.md Renamed the module referenced (details unspecified).

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User
    participant JMComicAPI
    participant ComicServer
    User->>JMComicAPI: Search for Comics
    JMComicAPI->>ComicServer: Query Comics
    ComicServer->>JMComicAPI: Return Comic List
    JMComicAPI->>User: Display Comics List

    User->>JMComicAPI: Request Comic Details
    JMComicAPI->>ComicServer: Fetch Comic Details
    ComicServer->>JMComicAPI: Return Details
    JMComicAPI->>User: Display Comic Details

    User->>JMComicAPI: Download Comic
    JMComicAPI->>ComicServer: Download Request
    ComicServer->>JMComicAPI: Provide Comic Data
    JMComicAPI->>User: Save Comic Data

Possibly related issues


In the land of code and comic lore,
Downloads thrive, they soar and soar.
APIs empower, with data they flow,
As users explore, chapters to know.
Documentation guides, with a structured hand,
Through a magical, comic-filled land.
Coders and readers, a joyous band. 🌟📚

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