hectorguo / CKEditor-Markdown-Plugin

Markdown Plugin for CKEditor
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Error invoking markdown plugin #8

Closed daxhns closed 8 years ago

daxhns commented 8 years ago


I get this error in the console after I click on the Markdown button in the editor:

Uncaught InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'add' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided ('cke_source cke_reset cke_enable_context_menu') contains HTML space characters, which are not valid in tokens.

I tracked it down to the line 49 in plugin.js: textarea.addClass('cke_source cke_reset cke_enable_context_menu');

daxhns commented 8 years ago

Sorry about this, i see that this has already been resolved in the latest code.

BTW, i first downloaded plugin from ckeditor site, which still has this bug.

jjozsi commented 8 years ago

The plugin from the ckeditor still has the bug (updated 9th August).

tablatronix commented 8 years ago

:+1: ckeditor plugin has never worked, I have always had to not bundle it and add it separately.

hectorguo commented 8 years ago

Sorry about that, not maintain it on ckeditor website for a long time. I will decide to fix some of issues in these weeks.

Haikuch commented 8 years ago

version on ckeditor.com still seems to be not working?!

promoia commented 7 years ago

I changed this line 49 textarea.addClass('cke_source').textarea.addClass('cke_reset').textarea.addClass('cke_enable_context_menu');

to 3 line, then it works :) textarea.addClass('cke_source'); textarea.addClass('cke_reset'); textarea.addClass('cke_enable_context_menu');

Don't know why, but worked for me

5663015 commented 3 years ago

I changed this line 49 textarea.addClass('cke_source').textarea.addClass('cke_reset').textarea.addClass('cke_enable_context_menu');

to 3 line, then it works :) textarea.addClass('cke_source'); textarea.addClass('cke_reset'); textarea.addClass('cke_enable_context_menu');

Don't know why, but worked for me

Thanks very much for your solution! I have the same problem, now it is OK.