hectormatos2011 / iOSContextualMenu

An easy-to-plug-in Contextual Menu for iOS inspired by Pinterest.
MIT License
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Issues with force touch causing the menu to freeze #9

Open multinerd opened 7 years ago

multinerd commented 7 years ago

My users are having issues with the menu freezing when force touch is (accidently) triggered. I dont have a force touch capable device to tinker with, so all i can do is inform future readers.

@hectormatos2011 tagging you in case you still aren't receiving notifications

hectormatos2011 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for tagging me! I'm currently out with my family but I promise I'll take a look at it when I get home. Is there anyway you can provide repro steps as well as the current view stack you are inserting the menu in?

multinerd commented 7 years ago

Sorry i took 2 weeks, i hardly log in to the actual git website. I haven't been able to reproduce it as i don't have a force touch capable device. Im inserting the menu on CellForRowAtIndexPath. the menu is used as a submenu for each tableview items. This setup is UINavigationController -> UITabBarController -> UITableViewController (menu is used here)

hectormatos2011 commented 7 years ago

Shouldn't you have a tab bar as the root instead of a nav bar? Either way thanks for your response I'll look into this

hectormatos2011 commented 7 years ago

Also feel free to open a PR if you've figured out the issue as well!

multinerd commented 7 years ago

@hectormatos2011 heres what my setup looks like http://imgur.com/a/j7pmf The first 2 tabs on top (category listing cell) and the last on the bottom (with the segment control as the header view). Youre right, nav should be the root but this was a hacky way to achieve what i needed.

As Ive mentioned I don't a touch capable device, for now i had to replace the menu with another framework