hedgehogqa / fsharp-hedgehog

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Generators generate the same values for each test? #451

Open AlexeyRaga opened 7 months ago

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

I have two tests that are defined as:

public async Task GetUserById(User user) { ... }

public async Task GetUsersById(User user1, User user2) { ... }

The generator is defined using LINQ like:

    public static Gen<User> User() =>
        from username in Gen.AlphaNumeric.String(Range.LinearInt32(5, 255))
        from firstName in Gen.AlphaNumeric.String(Range.LinearInt32(3, 255))
        from lastName in Gen.AlphaNumeric.String(Range.LinearInt32(3, 255))
        select new User
            Username: username,
            FirstName: firstName,
            LastName: lastName);

and the config is:

public static class UsersGenConfig
    public static AutoGenConfig Config() =>

I mark my tests with

[Properties(typeof(UsersGenConfig), Tests = 1, Shrinks = 0)]

But then when I run these tests in the same test run, I see that GetUserById and GetUsersByIdget the sameUser`!

GetUsersById receives two different users, then GetUserById receives one user, which is one of these that GetUsersById previously received.

I played with it a bit, asking for more users, and it seems like the test that gets called second, would get the parameters that were previously passed to the test that was called first.

Is it by design? It looks like the splitting some random generator issue to me? Like if it was split, but then the wrong part was passed down...

TysonMN commented 7 months ago

Is this behavior bad or just surprising to you?

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago


It is bad because it makes the amount of variation smaller. It also not integration-tests friendly at all (and this is where I had to stop using Hedgehog in this case).

It is also extremely surprising because when asking to generate something I would totally expect at least some variation and not a full copy of what I already had before in a previous test.

Are you saying that it is by design @TysonMN ?

TysonMN commented 7 months ago

I think the first item generated is always the smallest element in the sample space. More generally, there is a size parameter that controls how big the sample space is. It starts out small and typically grows with each test case. Initially preferring small values improves the result found during shrinking.

Your code has extreme behavior because you specified that each test should only consider one test case.

dharmaturtle commented 7 months ago

Your code has extreme behavior because you specified that each test should only consider one test case.


GetUsersById receives two different users, then GetUserById receives one user, which is one of these that GetUsersById previously received.

My question would be is if this is always the case or often the case. I would expect often, but not always.

it seems like the test that gets called second, would get the parameters that were previously passed to the test that was called first. Is it by design?

No. I would expect diverging results as the size increases. They only collide with test=1 because the size is so small.

Edit: If you want to run just one test because integration tests are slow, you can pin the size to a larger value as documented here.

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

My question would be is if this is always the case or often the case. I would expect often, but not always.

Out of all the runs that I did manually it was always the case. But, of course, I cannot say that there cannot be a run in which it won't be the case.

If you want to run just one test because integration tests are slow, you can pin the size to a larger value

Thanks, I will try that!

TysonMN commented 7 months ago

If you want to run just one test because integration tests are slow, you can pin the size to a larger value

I don't expect that will work though, because I expect the generator always returns the smallest value as it's first sample regardless of size.

Instead, if you only want to run a slow test one time, then I think you should hardcore the values for that test.

dharmaturtle commented 7 months ago

Hm, maybe that's the case in Hedgehog proper, but empirically its not the case in Hedgehog.Xunit:


Out of all the runs that I did manually it was always the case.

I do find that surprising. Running the above test a few dozen times with 0 size I always observed 0 for int and "" for string, but float always changed. Were you seeing just the same value over and over again?

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

if you only want to run a slow test one time

I do not. I certainly don't want to run them 100 times, but 1 was just me debugging the issue. I normally go around 5-10 for integration tests.

Were you seeing just the same value over and over again?

No, I have two tests (two properties) in one run. The values always change between runs, but within the same run the property that runs second always observes the value that the first property has seen.

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

Consider this example:

open System
open Hedgehog
open Hedgehog.Xunit

type User = { id: Guid; name: String; age: int }

[<Properties(Tests = 1<tests>, Shrinks=0<shrinks>)>]
module Tests =

    let ``Test A`` (user1: User) =
        user1.id = user1.id

    let ``Test B`` (user1: User, user2: User) =
        user1.id = user1.id

When I run it I always see that user2 in Test b is the same as user1 in Test A. Even if I specify a very large Size.

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

I just tested it with a "plain" Hedgehog (without Hedgehog.Xunit) and it has the same behaviour...

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

I just quickly checked Haskell Hedgehog, and it doesn't have this behaviour. As expected, each test Perhaps that's why it was so surprising to me, I have never seen that before.

Here is a reference test:

module TestSpec where

import HaskellWorks.Hspec.Hedgehog
import Hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen                as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range              as Range
import Test.Hspec
import Debug.Trace

data User = User {
  name :: String,
  age :: Int }
  deriving (Show, Eq)

userGen :: MonadGen m => m User
userGen = User
  <$> Gen.string (Range.linear 1 10) Gen.alpha
  <*> Gen.int (Range.linear 0 100)

{- HLINT ignore "Redundant do"        -}
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "First Spec" $ do
  it "test A" $ require $ withTests 1 $ withShrinks 0 $ property $ do
    user1 <- forAll userGen
    traceShowId user1 === user1

  it "test B" $ require $ withTests 1 $ withShrinks 0 $ property $ do
    user1 <- forAll userGen
    user2 <- forAll userGen
    traceShowId user1 === traceShowId user2
TysonMN commented 7 months ago

...1 was just me debugging the issue.

Then you should be calling Property.recheck. I implemented (what I call) "efficient rechecking" to make this experience great.

With this library, you do that be adding the Recheck attribute to your test.

If you are only debugging, then why do you care that the two tests in the same run are given the same input?

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

Then you should be calling Property.recheck. I implemented (what I call) "efficient rechecking" to make this experience great.

Sorry for not being clear in my message. Recheck is fine, and it is nothing to do with the rechecking. What I meany was that I was debugging this issue. The issue, to me, is that the second test was getting the same generated values as the first one. It happens with tests=100 or tests=5, or anything. I just tests=1 for the ease of looking into the generated values.

So let's not concentrate on the number of tests that are being run per property. The issue is that previously generated values are re-used again for subsequent properties. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the number of tests or the value of Size.

TysonMN commented 7 months ago

I think this is the intended behavior. As I said before:

I think the first item generated is always the smallest element in the sample space.

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

I think this is the intended behavior

That's sad. I hoped that it is more accidental than intentional... Because it is hard for me to guess what would be the (non-technical) reasoning behind the decision to diverge from the original (Haskell) Hedgehog behaviour...

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

I think the first item generated is always the smallest element in the sample space.

I do not think that it is about the first element only. It then keeps generating the same values.

In the example below, there are two tests receiving two User parameters, each runs 5 time. The output confirms that both tests always receive the same values in the same order.

So we are essentially running tests with the same generated values.

open System
open Hedgehog
open Hedgehog.Xunit
open Xunit.Abstractions

type User = { id: Guid; name: String; age: int }

[<Properties(Tests = 5<tests>, Shrinks=0<shrinks>)>]
type Tests(output: ITestOutputHelper) =

    let ``Test A`` (user1: User, user2: User) =
        output.WriteLine ($"{user1.id}, {user2.id}")
        user1.id = user1.id

    let ``Test B`` (user1: User, user2: User) =
        output.WriteLine ($"{user1.id}, {user2.id}")
        user1.id = user1.id


Test A:
7f6a6fbc-5eb7-d400-1287-fc44810c7145, e1916763-61f3-d3e6-1937-2d0c6f057070
3878dd01-bf21-0b58-06d4-2b5a555ec0fd, 822eef00-5682-aae4-8736-b1e560341949
e008cdcc-c2c0-18f4-e64b-641052b5515b, 781bf826-81a3-2aed-5091-d3f718ab07be
3df9967b-5bc0-56a3-6fe4-4d33b603404d, 10b5a7f6-8a30-6d9a-18e1-9d58ee88f625
6679d369-9022-c4ce-11f5-b0a06bb0893f, 70ba9843-0d6a-af64-dbeb-f359e854078a

Test B:
7f6a6fbc-5eb7-d400-1287-fc44810c7145, e1916763-61f3-d3e6-1937-2d0c6f057070
3878dd01-bf21-0b58-06d4-2b5a555ec0fd, 822eef00-5682-aae4-8736-b1e560341949
e008cdcc-c2c0-18f4-e64b-641052b5515b, 781bf826-81a3-2aed-5091-d3f718ab07be
3df9967b-5bc0-56a3-6fe4-4d33b603404d, 10b5a7f6-8a30-6d9a-18e1-9d58ee88f625
6679d369-9022-c4ce-11f5-b0a06bb0893f, 70ba9843-0d6a-af64-dbeb-f359e854078a
TysonMN commented 7 months ago

Now this looks like a bug to me.

Can you achieve the same behavior without Hedgehog.Xunit?

AlexeyRaga commented 7 months ago

Apparently yes.

Back to basics:

open System
open Xunit
open Hedgehog
open Xunit.Abstractions

type User = { id: Guid; name: String; age: int }

let propertyConfig = PropertyConfig.defaultConfig |> PropertyConfig.withTests 5<tests> |> PropertyConfig.withoutShrinks

let userGen = 
    gen {
        let! id = Gen.guid
        let! name = Gen.string (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.alpha
        let! age = Gen.int32 (Range.linear 0 100)
        return { id = id; name = name; age = age }

type PureTests(output: ITestOutputHelper) =

    let ``Test A`` () =
        property {
            let! user1 = userGen
            let! user2 = userGen
            output.WriteLine ($"{user1}, {user2}")
            user1.id = user1.id
        } |> Property.checkBoolWith propertyConfig

    let ``Test B`` () =
        property {
            let! user1 = userGen
            let! user2 = userGen
            output.WriteLine ($"{user1}, {user2}")
            user1.id = user1.id
        } |> Property.checkBoolWith propertyConfig

It prints exactly the same users from both tests.

This is why I suspect that we somewhere split the generator into two, use one part for a test, and pass it to the next test instead of the unused one...

AlexeyRaga commented 1 month ago

Any word on this one?

TysonMN commented 1 month ago

No progress. Sorry. I don't have much time to maintain this project any more.