Output on Debug Visualizer window after debugging session launched:
Could not parse evaluation result as JSON:
Unexpected token 'U', "Usage: -Us"... is not valid JSON
Evaluation result was:
Usage: -Use <Ctrl+Space> to get a list of available commands.
- Use <Up/DownArrows> to navigate through the command list.
- Use <Hab> to insert the currently selected command.
- Note: This implementation is a subset of gdb commands, and is intended to behave similarly.
Available commands:
help : Information about available commands and how to use them.
quit : Disconnect (and suspend) the target.
c : Continue running the program on the target.
break [*address] : Sets a breakpoint specified location, or next instruction if unspecified.
backtrace [path (e.g. my_dir/backtrace.yaml)] : Print the backtrace of the current thread to a local file.
info <subcommand> : Information of specified program data.
- frame [address] : Describe the current frame, or the frame at the specified (hex) address.
- locals : List local variables of the selected frame.
- all-reg : List all registers of the selected frame.
- var : List all static variables.
p [/f (f=format[n|v])] <local variable name> : Print known information about variable.
x [/Nuf (N=count, u=unit[b|h|w|g], f=format[t|x|i])] [address (hex)] : Examine Memory, using format specifications, at the specified address.
dump [memory start address] [memory size in bytes] [path (default: ./coredump)] : Create a core dump at a target location. Specify memory ranges to dump, or leave blank to dump in-scope memory regions.
Used debug adapter: probe-rs-debug
Used debug adapter: probe-rs-debug
Output on Debug Visualizer window after debugging session launched: