hedii / php-crawler

A php crawler that finds emails on the internets
MIT License
134 stars 65 forks source link

Emails found: 0 NOT WORKING #34

Closed adsantoli closed 6 years ago

adsantoli commented 6 years ago

The Urls Statistics show: NaN%
And no emails are found.

Do you know why this is? please advise thank you

screen shot 2018-11-15 at 8 23 21 pm

hedii commented 6 years ago

Cannot help without any js log, php log, etc...

hedii commented 6 years ago

@adsantoli I've just tested on your website (zippy.zone), with the same search (www.yellowpages.com): everything works fine. The NaN% is shown only during the first seconds, and after that we get a real percentage.

Can you give me a couple of url on yellowpages.com that are supposed to contain email addresses?

I think your problem is that there is no email in the html content of this website, but the crawler is doing its job.

capture d ecran 2018-11-16 a 08 54 14
MHassanSaqib commented 4 years ago

Same issue there. What's happening? Any solution?