hedronvision / bazel-compile-commands-extractor

Goal: Enable awesome tooling for Bazel users of the C language family.
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external symlink breaking python vscode extensions #149

Closed HaberR closed 9 months ago

HaberR commented 9 months ago


This project continues to be very helpful for myself and other members of my team. Unfortunately we've noticed recently that the external symlink that this tool configures no longer seems to be compatible with the other vscode extensions we use (ms-python.vscode-pylance, ms-python.python). In particular, when that symlink exists, none of the python syntax highlighting or autocomplete works anymore (this is the case for later versions of the python extensions. It seems that in prior versions, from around 5 months ago the two are compatible).

cpsauer commented 9 months ago

Great to hear from you again, Rafael. Delighted to hear it's been of value--and sorry to hear about the clash.

We shouldn't have changed anything here that would exacerbate things, I don't think. Any idea what's breaking in those plugins? Would you be down to report the issue to them, cc me? Not to toss it over to them too much, but I feel like they should be able to handle, and our options re external are pretty limited by the structure of Bazel.

HaberR commented 9 months ago

Yes so there is a pretty easy resolution which is just to add exterrnal to the exclude list in pyrightconfig.json. It seems we already have bazel-bin in there among other things, guess we just needed one more. Going to close this ticket, thanks for the response!

cpsauer commented 9 months ago

Sweet! Thanks for documenting the workaround for others.

Might it be still worth filing with the tool/extensions? They probably want to be able to handle stuff common build systems might throw at them. Plus maybe people would have python code in there that they'd want completion based on?

HaberR commented 8 months ago

They actually do have a fairly comprehensive message about this already with a suggested mitigation, so I'm not sure there's much value in opening a new ticket with them:

2024-01-03 13:26:58.046 [info] [Error - 1:26:58 PM] (173330) Enumeration of workspace source files is taking longer than 10 seconds.
This may be because:
* You have opened your home directory or entire hard drive as a workspace
* Your workspace contains a very large number of directories and files
* Your workspace contains a symlink to a directory with many files
* Your workspace is remote, and file enumeration is slow
To reduce this time, open a workspace directory with fewer files or add a pyrightconfig.json configuration file with an "exclude" section to exclude subdirectories from your workspace. For more details, refer to https://github.com/microsoft/pyright/blob/main/docs/configuration.md.
cpsauer commented 8 months ago

Got it. Thanks for looking into and reporting back. Happy New Year!