hedronvision / bazel-compile-commands-extractor

Goal: Enable awesome tooling for Bazel users of the C language family.
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Bazel 7 and Sonarlint don't play nice #159

Open Attempt3035 opened 8 months ago

Attempt3035 commented 8 months ago

Hey all! I've just spend a few hours endlessly searching to figure out why on earth Sonarlint randomly stopped working. My setup uses vscodium, clangd and sonarlint for quite a nice c++ development setup. After much searching, I figured out the issue was in the compile commands, which had changed not due to an update in this tool, but instead from when I updated from bazel 6.4.0 to 7. The key difference is this: Compile commands with this tool AND BAZEL 6.4 ends up having clang as the compiler on my setup (first line of args) "arguments": [ "clang", Where as Bazel 7 ends up as: "arguments": [ "external/bazel_tools~cc_configure_extension~local_config_cc/cc_wrapper.sh",

Sonarlint says "I have no idea what this compiler is, I won't lint any of your code anymore" I don't think it's on Sonarlint to come up with a solution, and Bazel presumably has a good reason for having the wrapper in-between? Has anyone else come across this issue yet, and any ideas on how we might be able to solve it? Maybe we can extract what compiler the wrapper decides to use, or guess via some other method?

At the moment I've got a .bazelversion file with contents 6.4.0 so that bazelisk gets everything playing nicely for now😅

cpsauer commented 7 months ago

Ah, shoot. clangd can penetrate simple wrappers like this with --query-driver, but that doesn't mean it'd extend to other tools. (You can see some notes about the unwrapping we do in more problematic cases in _apple_platform_patch.) Thanks for reporting, Luke. We should unwrap them as part of our de-bazeling.

There're some flags you can add that reveal the underlying compiler...someone else had proposed them in a PR that didn't end up getting merged because --query_driver was good enough from them. Could I ask you to take a look at https://github.com/hedronvision/bazel-compile-commands-extractor/pull/40 and see if you can repurpose the code (and clean it up a little)? That way we can get you back on Bazel 7. (Or rolling, which I'd recommend to get the latest fixes :)

(Would also like to know if this is Apple or Linux where you're running into the issue.)

cpsauer commented 7 months ago

One other thought: We'll need to be careful to not unwrap emcc.sh by mistake.

Attempt3035 commented 7 months ago

Thank you for the detailed reply! It's a little over my head at the moment, I'll try and look into everything you've pointed out over the next couple of weeks and see what I can propose! Also, that was on Apple (newest os, M2). Only occurred now as I wasn't using bazelisk (I had bazel straight through brew), and as soon as I installed bazelisk it updated to 7.

cpsauer commented 7 months ago

Thanks for being down to help! (Strong rec for bazelisk--and Bazel rolling, so you get bug fixes faster!)