hedronvision / bazel-compile-commands-extractor

Goal: Enable awesome tooling for Bazel users of the C language family.
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When using the bazel module, how to define the refresh_command in BUILD #189

Open Lynskylate opened 3 months ago

Lynskylate commented 3 months ago

For the document, Open a BUILD file—we'd recommend using (or creating) //BUILD—and add something like:

load("@hedron_compile_commands//:refresh_compile_commands.bzl", "refresh_compile_commands")

    name = "refresh_compile_commands",

    # Specify the targets of interest.
    # For example, specify a dict of targets and any flags required to build.
    targets = {
      "//:my_output_1": "--important_flag1 --important_flag2=true",
      "//:my_output_2": "",
    # No need to add flags already in .bazelrc. They're automatically picked up.
    # If you don't need flags, a list of targets is also okay, as is a single target string.
    # Wildcard patterns, like //... for everything, *are* allowed here, just like a build.
      # As are additional targets (+) and subtractions (-), like in bazel query https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/query.html#expressions
    # And if you're working on a header-only library, specify a test or binary target that compiles it.

Hessian2-codec is the bazel-compile-commands-extractor‘s user. Recently the pr convert the repo to bazel module. But we have met some question.

As a library, we are meant to be referenced by other projects. Due to the use of the bazel module, bazel regards the repository with git_override as a dev_dependency. As a result, it cannot be used by users who depend on hessian2-codec. It will throw the exception like ERROR: error loading package '@@hessian2-codec~//': Unable to find package for @@[unknown repo 'hedron_compile_commands' requested from @@hessian2-codec~]//:refresh_compile_commands.bzl: The repository '@@[unknown repo 'hedron_compile_commands' requested from @@hessian2-codec~]' could not be resolved: No repository visible as '@hedron_compile_commands' from repository '@@hessian2-codec~'.

Failure will occur when loading the build file for hessian2-codec.

Regarding defining refresh_command in the bazel module, are there any best practices?

Lynskylate commented 3 months ago

A workaround fix is add bazel-compile-commands-extractor to bzr, and we treat it as a full dependency.

mmorel-35 commented 3 months ago

@cpsauer ,

Even with the dev_dependency as in here https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-central-registry/pull/2054 There are some errors looking for hedron_compile_commands

See https://buildkite.com/bazel/bcr-presubmit/builds/5552#018f8b08-67ea-42d6-86f9-3476a05b8de6

cpsauer commented 3 months ago

Thanks so much for reporting, guys. I think I get it--and I've got an idea.

cpsauer commented 3 months ago

Would it work to break out the refresh_compile_commands call into a separate BUILD file? Say //dev_tools:BUILD?

cpsauer commented 3 months ago

To explain: I think this is an instance of more general trickiness around dev_dependencies in bzlmod--with the general case being discussed here.

cpsauer commented 3 months ago

I agree that it's a bit janky, but making it a non-dev-dependency is probably not something you want either, for the reasons in this issue. It's likely that we'll end up depending on rules_python again soon and better to not bring in a ton of unneeded deps for folks. And I'm loathe to do the BCR approach sinc it's (AFAIK) irreversible and would meaningfully complicate releasing.

cpsauer commented 3 months ago

Please let me know if that alternative approach might work. And sorry about the pain here. This isn't a case I'd considered or heard about before--and I really appreciate your taking the time to explore and explain

cpsauer commented 3 months ago

If that does fix things, please don't close just yet. We should update the readme to guide people around this.

mmorel-35 commented 3 months ago

It seems like the same problem was already identified several month ago here : https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-central-registry/pull/1503

@fmeum, @alexeagle, do you have an opinion about this issue ?

fmeum commented 3 months ago

Yes, https://github.com/hedronvision/bazel-compile-commands-extractor/issues/189#issuecomment-2118998582 sounds right to me. Dev tooling for a module ideally should not live in packages that are consumed by module users.

mmorel-35 commented 3 months ago

I believe that at least one version shall be published in the BCR, and be used as dev_dependency. Then the module can use git_override(which is always local to the module) to point to the latest version of hedron_compile_commands. This way the test module inside hessian2-codec that depends on hessian2-codec won't be failing with a missing dependency

cpsauer commented 3 months ago

^ What do you think about the potential solution above, also recommended by fmeum?

peakschris commented 2 months ago

This is what I'm using in my MODULE.bazel file. We have converted to a 100% module based build:

bazel_dep(name = "hedron_compile_commands", dev_dependency = True)
    module_name = "hedron_compile_commands",
    strip_prefix = "bazel-compile-commands-extractor-"+HEDRON_COMPILE_COMMANDS_TAG,
    urls = ["https://github.com/hedronvision/bazel-compile-commands/archive/"+HEDRON_COMPILE_COMMANDS_TAG+".zip"],