hedronvision / bazel-compile-commands-extractor

Goal: Enable awesome tooling for Bazel users of the C language family.
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[ Feature ] (File Management) Support for `--sym_link` for outputs that do not produce standard build links & output control #203

Open robbie-vanderzee opened 2 months ago

robbie-vanderzee commented 2 months ago


Builds which reroute bazel output cannot be generated for, request to add support for this


compile_commands.json is always placed in the TLD. Ideally, we should be able to configure where this artifact is placed.

robbie-vanderzee commented 1 month ago

Related: #202 .

PeterAaser commented 4 weeks ago

Hi, I'm new to bazel and I'm having problems that leads me to this issue. With build --symlink_prefix=build/bazel- in my .bazelrc I get the following error:

>>> //bazel-out is missing. Please remove --symlink_prefix and --experimental_convenience_symlinks, so the workspace mirrors the compilation environment.

Am I understanding it correctly that this issue seeks to fix this problem/limitation, making it so that the symlink directories can be put elsewhere?