hedyhli / outline.nvim

Code outline sidebar powered by LSP. Significantly enhanced & refactored fork of symbols-outline.nvim.
MIT License
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use treesitter for markdown floating windows #88

Open narutozxp opened 2 weeks ago

narutozxp commented 2 weeks ago


In the preview of functions, its content is written as markdown, so there are black stripes in the code lines, just as follows: XAC%W3P91ATJ5I}E5F_KUM3


Neovim setup


        lazy = true,
        cmd = { "Outline", "OutlineOpen" },
        keys = { -- Example mapping to toggle outline
            { "<leader>o", "<cmd>Outline<CR>", desc = "Toggle outline" },
        opts = {
            outline_window = {
              -- Where to open the split window: right/left
              position = 'right',
              -- The default split commands used are 'topleft vs' and 'botright vs'
              -- depending on `position`. You can change this by providing your own
              -- `split_command`.
              -- `position` will not be considered if `split_command` is non-nil.
              -- This should be a valid vim command used for opening the split for the
              -- outline window. Eg, 'rightbelow vsplit'.
              -- Width can be included (with will override the width setting below):
              -- Eg, `topleft 20vsp` to prevent a flash of windows when resizing.
              split_command = nil,

              -- Percentage or integer of columns
              width = 25,
              -- Whether width is relative to the total width of nvim
              -- When relative_width = true, this means take 25% of the total
              -- screen width for outline window.
              relative_width = true,

              -- Auto close the outline window if goto_location is triggered and not for
              -- peek_location
              auto_close = false,
              -- Automatically scroll to the location in code when navigating outline window.
              auto_jump = false,
              -- boolean or integer for milliseconds duration to apply a temporary highlight
              -- when jumping. false to disable.
              jump_highlight_duration = 300,
              -- Whether to center the cursor line vertically in the screen when
              -- jumping/focusing. Executes zz.
              center_on_jump = true,

              -- Vim options for the outline window
              show_numbers = false,
              show_relative_numbers = false,
              wrap = false,

              -- true/false/'focus_in_outline'/'focus_in_code'.
              -- The last two means only show cursorline when the focus is in outline/code.
              -- 'focus_in_outline' can be used if the outline_items.auto_set_cursor
              -- operations are too distracting due to visual contrast caused by cursorline.
              show_cursorline = true,
              -- Enable this only if you enabled cursorline so your cursor color can
              -- blend with the cursorline, in effect, as if your cursor is hidden
              -- in the outline window.
              -- This makes your line of cursor have the same color as if the cursor
              -- wasn't focused on the outline window.
              -- This feature is experimental.
              hide_cursor = false,

              -- Whether to auto-focus on the outline window when it is opened.
              -- Set to false to *always* retain focus on your previous buffer when opening
              -- outline.
              -- If you enable this you can still use bangs in :Outline! or :OutlineOpen! to
              -- retain focus on your code. If this is false, retaining focus will be
              -- enforced for :Outline/:OutlineOpen and you will not be able to have the
              -- other behaviour.
              focus_on_open = true,
              -- Winhighlight option for outline window.
              -- See :help 'winhl'
              -- To change background color to "CustomHl" for example, use "Normal:CustomHl".
              winhl = '',

            outline_items = {
              -- Show extra details with the symbols (lsp dependent) as virtual next
              show_symbol_details = true,
              -- Show corresponding line numbers of each symbol on the left column as
              -- virtual text, for quick navigation when not focused on outline.
              -- Why? See this comment:
              -- https://github.com/simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim/issues/212#issuecomment-1793503563
              show_symbol_lineno = false,
              -- Whether to highlight the currently hovered symbol and all direct parents
              highlight_hovered_item = true,
              -- Whether to automatically set cursor location in outline to match
              -- location in code when focus is in code. If disabled you can use
              -- `:OutlineFollow[!]` from any window or `<C-g>` from outline window to
              -- trigger this manually.
              auto_set_cursor = true,
              -- Autocmd events to automatically trigger these operations.
              auto_update_events = {
                -- Includes both setting of cursor and highlighting of hovered item.
                -- The above two options are respected.
                -- This can be triggered manually through `follow_cursor` lua API,
                -- :OutlineFollow command, or <C-g>.
                follow = { 'CursorMoved' },
                -- Re-request symbols from the provider.
                -- This can be triggered manually through `refresh_outline` lua API, or
                -- :OutlineRefresh command.
                items = { 'InsertLeave', 'WinEnter', 'BufEnter', 'BufWinEnter', 'TabEnter', 'BufWritePost' },

            -- Options for outline guides which help show tree hierarchy of symbols
            guides = {
              enabled = true,
              markers = {
                -- It is recommended for bottom and middle markers to use the same number
                -- of characters to align all child nodes vertically.
                bottom = '└',
                middle = '├',
                vertical = '│',

            symbol_folding = {
              -- Depth past which nodes will be folded by default. Set to false to unfold all on open.
              autofold_depth = 1,
              -- When to auto unfold nodes
              auto_unfold = {
                -- Auto unfold currently hovered symbol
                hovered = true,
                -- Auto fold when the root level only has this many nodes.
                -- Set true for 1 node, false for 0.
                only = true,
              markers = { '', '' },

            preview_window = {
              -- Automatically open preview of code location when navigating outline window
              auto_preview = false,
              -- Automatically open hover_symbol when opening preview (see keymaps for
              -- hover_symbol).
              -- If you disable this you can still open hover_symbol using your keymap
              -- below.
              open_hover_on_preview = false,
              width = 50,     -- Percentage or integer of columns
              min_width = 50, -- Minimum number of columns
              -- Whether width is relative to the total width of nvim.
              -- When relative_width = true, this means take 50% of the total
              -- screen width for preview window, ensure the result width is at least 50
              -- characters wide.
              relative_width = true,
              height = 50,     -- Percentage or integer of lines
              min_height = 10, -- Minimum number of lines
              -- Similar to relative_width, except the height is relative to the outline
              -- window's height.
              relative_height = true,
              -- Border option for floating preview window.
              -- Options include: single/double/rounded/solid/shadow or an array of border
              -- characters.
              -- See :help nvim_open_win() and search for "border" option.
              border = 'rounded',
              -- winhl options for the preview window, see ':h winhl'
              winhl = 'NormalFloat:',
              -- Pseudo-transparency of the preview window, see ':h winblend'
              winblend = 0,
              -- Experimental feature that let's you edit the source content live
              -- in the preview window. Like VS Code's "peek editor".
              live = false

            -- These keymaps can be a string or a table for multiple keys.
            -- Set to `{}` to disable. (Using 'nil' will fallback to default keys)
            keymaps = {
              show_help = '?',
              close = {'<Esc>', 'q'},
              -- Jump to symbol under cursor.
              -- It can auto close the outline window when triggered, see
              -- 'auto_close' option above.
              goto_location = '<Cr>',
              -- Jump to symbol under cursor but keep focus on outline window.
              peek_location = 'o',
              -- Visit location in code and close outline immediately
              goto_and_close = '<S-Cr>',
              -- Change cursor position of outline window to match current location in code.
              -- 'Opposite' of goto/peek_location.
              restore_location = '<C-g>',
              -- Open LSP/provider-dependent symbol hover information
              hover_symbol = '<C-space>',
              -- Preview location code of the symbol under cursor
              toggle_preview = 'K',
              rename_symbol = 'r',
              code_actions = 'a',
              -- These fold actions are collapsing tree nodes, not code folding
              fold = 'h',
              unfold = 'l',
              fold_toggle = '<Tab>',
              -- Toggle folds for all nodes.
              -- If at least one node is folded, this action will fold all nodes.
              -- If all nodes are folded, this action will unfold all nodes.
              fold_toggle_all = '<S-Tab>',
              fold_all = 'W',
              unfold_all = 'E',
              fold_reset = 'R',
              -- Move down/up by one line and peek_location immediately.
              -- You can also use outline_window.auto_jump=true to do this for any
              -- j/k/<down>/<up>.
              down_and_jump = '<C-j>',
              up_and_jump = '<C-k>',

            providers = {
              priority = { 'lsp', 'coc', 'markdown', 'norg' },
              -- Configuration for each provider (3rd party providers are supported)
              lsp = {
                -- Lsp client names to ignore
                blacklist_clients = {},
              markdown = {
                -- List of supported ft's to use the markdown provider
                filetypes = {'markdown'},

            symbols = {
              -- Filter by kinds (string) for symbols in the outline.
              -- Possible kinds are the Keys in the icons table below.
              -- A filter list is a string[] with an optional exclude (boolean) field.
              -- The symbols.filter option takes either a filter list or ft:filterList
              -- key-value pairs.
              -- Put  exclude=true  in the string list to filter by excluding the list of
              -- kinds instead.
              -- Include all except String and Constant:
              --   filter = { 'String', 'Constant', exclude = true }
              -- Only include Package, Module, and Function:
              --   filter = { 'Package', 'Module', 'Function' }
              -- See more examples below.
              filter = nil,

              -- You can use a custom function that returns the icon for each symbol kind.
              -- This function takes a kind (string) as parameter and should return an
              -- icon as string.
              ---@param kind string Key of the icons table below
              ---@param bufnr integer Code buffer
              ---@returns string|boolean The icon string to display, such as "f", or `false`
              ---                        to fallback to `icon_source`.
              icon_fetcher = nil,
              -- 3rd party source for fetching icons. This is used as a fallback if
              -- icon_fetcher returned an empty string.
              -- Currently supported values: 'lspkind'
              icon_source = nil,
              -- The next fallback if both icon_fetcher and icon_source has failed, is
              -- the custom mapping of icons specified below. The icons table is also
              -- needed for specifying hl group.
              icons = {
                File = { icon = '', hl = 'Identifier' },
                Module = { icon = '', hl = 'Include' },
                Namespace = { icon = '󰅪', hl = 'Include' },
                Package = { icon = '󰏗', hl = 'Include' },
                Class = { icon = '', hl = 'Type' },
                Method = { icon = '', hl = 'Function' },
                Property = { icon = '', hl = 'Identifier' },
                Field = { icon = '', hl = 'Identifier' },
                Constructor = { icon = '', hl = 'Special' },
                Enum = { icon = '', hl = 'Type' },
                Interface = { icon = '', hl = 'Type' },
                Function = { icon = '', hl = 'Function' },
                Variable = { icon = '', hl = 'Constant' },
                Constant = { icon = '', hl = 'Constant' },
                String = { icon = '𝓐', hl = 'String' },
                Number = { icon = '#', hl = 'Number' },
                Boolean = { icon = '⊨', hl = 'Boolean' },
                Array = { icon = '󰅪', hl = 'Constant' },
                Object = { icon = '⦿', hl = 'Type' },
                Key = { icon = '🔐', hl = 'Type' },
                Null = { icon = 'NULL', hl = 'Type' },
                EnumMember = { icon = '', hl = 'Identifier' },
                Struct = { icon = '', hl = 'Structure' },
                Event = { icon = '', hl = 'Type' },
                Operator = { icon = '', hl = 'Identifier' },
                TypeParameter = { icon = '', hl = 'Identifier' },
                Component = { icon = '󰅴', hl = 'Function' },
                Fragment = { icon = '󰅴', hl = 'Constant' },
                TypeAlias = { icon = ' ', hl = 'Type' },
                Parameter = { icon = ' ', hl = 'Identifier' },
                StaticMethod = { icon = ' ', hl = 'Function' },
                Macro = { icon = ' ', hl = 'Function' },
        cond = not vim.g.vscode