hedyhli / outline.nvim

Code outline sidebar powered by LSP. Significantly enhanced & refactored fork of symbols-outline.nvim.
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lualine gets invisible in the outline window #92

Closed YaQia closed 1 week ago

YaQia commented 1 week ago


I can confirm that recent commits of outline.nvim has this problem. When I use :Outline<cr> to open the focused outline, the lualine bar gone. Using native vsplit doesn't have such a problem.

Here is the video with this bug: 2024-09-10 00-08-47.webm

Neovim setup


return {
    lazy = true,
    cmd = { "Outline", "OutlineOpen" },
    keys = { -- Example mapping to toggle outline
        { "<leader>lo", "<cmd>Outline<CR>", desc = "Toggle outline" },
    opts = {},
YaQia commented 1 week ago

I am sorry. It turns out that I copied a weird config about lualine.nvim. Which has this line in its opts:

disabled_filetypes = { "dashboard", "NvimTree", "Outline" },

After changing it into this, lualine appears correctly:

disabled_filetypes = { "dashboard", "NvimTree" },