hedyhli / starcli

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Error Handling for HTTP Status Codes #67

Closed arcanearronax closed 4 years ago

arcanearronax commented 4 years ago

Added error handling based on HTTP status codes. The status codes identified after submitting the GET request for the URL will produce a handling code which informs the cli method how it should proceed, either exiting the application or retrying the request. A message will be displayed to inform the user of the nature of the error or that a retry will occur in a given amount of time.

Context This will prevent errors originating from unsuccessful requests from reaching the user.


Added a request validation method to search.py which both search and search_github_trending call when submitting a GET request. This will catch a connection error and raise an assertion error in the case of an HTTP status code indicating something other than a success. Added a search_error method which processes the assertion error and returns the appropriate handling code for the assertion error.

A while loop has been added to the cli method which contains the calls to search and search_github_trending in order to allow requests to be resubmitted (if appropriate) and messages are printed for the user to indicate the nature of the issue, based on the handling code.

hedyhli commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delayed response BTW, I was busy with some school work

hedyhli commented 4 years ago

Do you think having a dict of status codes, instead of a bunch of STATUS_ variables will be better? Because then this will be easily extendable in the future for adding more codes, and we only need to import something like a STATUS_CODES dict

hedyhli commented 4 years ago

It's totally fine to keep it as is if you don't want to change it though, because search_error() kind of acts as a 'dict' here, the only downside is we need to import a lot of variables

arcanearronax commented 4 years ago

You're right about using a dict rather than creating a handful of variables, and it'll be able to scale easier. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it at the time. I'll get the changes made here in a bit.