hedyorg / hedy

Hedy is a gradual programming language to teach children programming. Gradual languages use different language levels, where each level adds new concepts and syntactic complexity. At the end of the Hedy level sequence, kids master a subset of syntactically valid Python.
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Explore fuzzy parsing #2048

Closed Felienne closed 5 months ago

Felienne commented 2 years ago

When we have merged #1314, shall we try to use grammar composition to merge levels instead of the hand-written merging? I am not 100% sure it will work, maybe we will get a bit of ambiguity but it will clean up the code a lot!

Ideally we might also be able to mix in rules from lower levels with a prefix automatically to catch level n rules at level n-1 so we can give better error messages (like we do manually now with _dep rules) Do you feel like diving into this @boryanagoncharenko?

boryanagoncharenko commented 2 years ago


Current state

Lark's features Lark offers features that are relevant for the task at hand. It allows importing rules and terminals of a .lark file into another grammar via the %import directive. Note that all imported rules must be explicitly specified and they will be imported in a new namespace to avoid collisions. The %override and %extend directives can be used to adapt the imported grammar rules. Lark also offers a merge_transformers (https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/visitors.html?highlight=merge_transformers#merge-transformers) functionality which merges each transformer with a respective namespace.

How could we use Lark's features to reach the objectives We could remove the manual grammar merging by importing the the grammar of level n-1 in the level n .lark file. However, there are multiple things to note:

We could automatically detect if a user is using a command from a previous level that is no longer part of the current level. The easiest way to achieve this is to ensure that the grammar of every level includes the grammars of the previous levels and uses them with less priority than the grammar of the current level. For example:

start: program
program: _EOL* (command _EOL+)* command?
command: level2__command | level1__command | error__command

%import .level1.command -> level1__command
%import .level2.command -> level2__command
%import .error.command -> error__command

In this way, the echo command (which is a level 1 command that does not exist in level 2) will appear as a level1__command the parse tree.

A sample project containing 3 highly simplified Hedy levels is available here: https://github.com/boryanagoncharenko/grammar-composition-test

boryanagoncharenko commented 2 years ago

A couple of additional notes:

boryanagoncharenko commented 2 years ago

Update from a meeting with Felienne:

boryanagoncharenko commented 6 months ago

This task was redefined to provide better error messages in the case when users mix syntax from different levels. Currently, to provide meaningful error messages, we define possible mistakes in the grammar and then return the correct error messages in the transpiler. For example, in level 4 we specifically create grammar rules to handle the cases of print command without quotes or with one quote only. We follow the same strategy for all common errors, e.g. the grammar has definitions for a repeat command without the keyword times, without the following command, and without a print command.

Can we use Lark's grammar composition to create grammars that detect that syntax from a different level is used? Definitely no. The current grammar merging of Hedy has evolved to a point where using the composition feature is impractical. It is better to extend the custom grammar merging to match syntax from previous levels.

Can we extend the custom grammar merging to automatically detect that syntax from a different level is used? Theoretically, yes. For every command that is defined in level N, we could add its definition from level N-1 with lower priority. This approach would only work on command level. In practice, injecting an old version of a rule into the grammar might lead to grammar ambiguities or incorrect priority of rules, which would be hard to debug. Because the new approach would need to coexist with other error definitions, different commands might require injecting in different places (e.g. if_less_command) and we might end up with an over-fitted code that might be better defined manually in the grammars.

If we get the grammar merging sorted out, then the transpiler could provide a common message when the wrong-level-syntax is encountered:

def default_func(orig_level, self, args, meta):
    raise Exception(f'This code works for level {orig_level} but you are in level {self.level} now.')

def hedy_transpiler(level):
    def decorator(c):
        TRANSPILER_LOOKUP[level] = c

        current = inspect.getmembers(c, predicate=inspect.isfunction)
        funcs = [v[0] for v in current if v[0][0] != '_' and v[1].__qualname__.startswith(f'ConvertToPython_{level}') or v[1].__qualname__.startswith(f'source_map_rule')]
        TRANSPILER_FUNCTIONS[level] = funcs
        if level > 1:
            i = level-1 if level-1 in TRANSPILER_FUNCTIONS.keys() else level-2
            names = [f for f in TRANSPILER_FUNCTIONS[level]]
            to_add = [f for f in TRANSPILER_FUNCTIONS[i] if f in names and f'level{i}_{f}' not in names]
            for f in to_add:
                name = f'level{i}_{f}'
                setattr(c, name, lambda self, args, meta: default_func(i, self, args, meta))

        c.level = level
        return c

    return decorator

If we want to provide a custom error message, we would be able to override a rule as follows:

class ConvertToPython_8_9(ConvertToPython_7):
    def level7_repeat(self, meta, args):
        raise hedy.exceptions.WrongLevelException(7, 'repeat', "repeat_dep", meta.line)

In a nutshell, altering the grammar merging together with the transpiler code illustrated above add a significant layer of complexity while the benefits remain limited.

New Problem definition Given the above, it would be better to redefine the problem once more in the following way. In an ideal world:

  1. We would have grammar definitions which define only the correct syntax. This means that we would not describe in the grammars specific syntax errors, e.g. a syntax from a previous level, a repeat command missing times keyword, or a print command being misspelled as pront.
  2. We would have a way of correcting erroneous Hedy programs. A corrected program is a program that does not produce an error and is most similar to the input program.


Obviously, the problem definition is very ambitious (and also needs to be refined). I have not investigated these options, so I do not know whether they are even possible.

  1. Probably a wild idea but we could use fuzzy parsing? Instead of creating a parse tree when the input matches exactly the grammar and producing a parse error otherwise, the parser could return parse trees together with their degree of correctness. Fixing errors when syntax from previous levels is used might still require grammar merging but this is complexity we already maintain.
  2. Alternatively, (as suggested by @TiBiBa) we could have a database of correct programs and could try to match an erroneous program with the correct items in it. If the database contains enough data and we find a good way to normalize the programs (e.g. so that variable names do not matter), we could try to correct the program by finding the most similar entry in the database. If the input is an unparsable program (which I assume will be the most frequent case), we might need to compare the programs in terms of text (as opposed to a parsed tree).
  3. During the meeting we also touched the idea of creating and training a model that corrects a Hedy program. My preliminary research shows that the problem at hand would not be solved by the readily available algorithms. To follow this route, we would need expertise and financing that we currently lack.
boryanagoncharenko commented 5 months ago

I set off to explore fuzzy parsing, which is mentioned in point 1. in the previous comment. My concern was that if such a tool exists, it would not be in a production-ready state. So I employed a rather practical strategy: only search for tools and inspect them if they have a readme file, time-boxed to 2 hours. In short, I was not able to find any tool that achieves the goal and has any documentation. However, during my searching I noticed a couple of things:

Research papers define fuzzy parsers as syntax analyzers that perform analysis on incomplete or incorrect input, so such tools probably exist. However, I did not encounter any probably due to the searching strategy I used.

As discussed with Felienne, closing the ticket and hoping that it might be useful for someone in the future.