hedyorg / hedy

Hedy is a gradual programming language to teach children programming. Gradual languages use different language levels, where each level adds new concepts and syntactic complexity. At the end of the Hedy level sequence, kids master a subset of syntactically valid Python.
European Union Public License 1.2
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[UI idea] Improve grid layout and stats performance #4580

Open Felienne opened 9 months ago

Felienne commented 9 months ago

Last semester, two student projects ran that implemented something to give teachers a better overview of their students work:

  1. The grid:

  2. The live stats:


Both features add value for teachers, which is why we added them, but they also have a number of issues, I am documenting them here, we can surely split them into separate issues.

Felienne commented 9 months ago

I made a few notes about slow lines here @jpelay, maybe that helps! https://github.com/hedyorg/hedy/tree/pretty-grid

I will also continue to figure out what is happening a bit more!

MarleenGilsing commented 7 months ago

I'd like to add that in the grid overview the eyes get in the way of checking off the boxes. I propose that all the colums get the same width to solve this.
