hedyorg / hedy

Hedy is a gradual programming language to teach children programming. Gradual languages use different language levels, where each level adds new concepts and syntactic complexity. At the end of the Hedy level sequence, kids master a subset of syntactically valid Python.
European Union Public License 1.2
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✏️ Implementing Lists, at random from lists, add and remove for Micro:bit #5589

Closed rmagedon97 closed 1 week ago

rmagedon97 commented 3 weeks ago

Implemented list management features for Micro:bit, including the ability to create lists, print random elements from lists, add new elements to existing lists, and remove elements from lists.

How to test

Go to level 3 in Hedy and create a list then print an element from the list at random and use the Micro:bit button. Also elements can be added and removed with the same syntax as Hedy. After clicking on the Micro:bit button a hex file will be generated which can be viewed here: https://python.microbit.org/v/3/ or directly pasted in micro:bit.

Checklist Done? Check if you have it all in place using this list: (mark with x if done)

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