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🧪 Create Cypress test for Roles of variables #5614

Open juliabolt opened 2 weeks ago

juliabolt commented 2 weeks ago

The feature flag for showing the roles of variables was set in the frontend, but now it is set as a variable in the environment, so that we can test the feature with a cypress test.

How to test

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juliabolt commented 1 week ago

I said in the export function runPythonProgram (file app.ts) that the type of showRoles is a boolean, but now it needs be a string then? I'll just make the type any, to be sure it's okay...

jpelay commented 1 week ago

I said in the export function runPythonProgram (file app.ts) that the type of showRoles is a boolean, but now it needs be a string then?

If you just send the variable it'll be a string, you can do something like:

show_roles_of_variables() == "False" 

and that'll always send a boolean

juliabolt commented 1 week ago

show_roles_of_variables() == "False" and that'll always send a boolean

If I do this, then the boolean will become true when the string is "False" right? I'm confused...

jpelay commented 1 week ago

show_roles_of_variables() == "False" and that'll always send a boolean

If I do this, then the boolean will become true when the string is "False" right? I'm confused...

Yes, you're right! It's == True 😅

PD: I edited your comment by accident, sorry!

juliabolt commented 1 week ago

some tests keep failing though... Am I still doing things wrong with the env var?