hedzr / android-file-chooser

a lightweight file/folder chooser or picker
Apache License 2.0
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Folder added as an item while selecting multiple files #81

Open sivansundar opened 4 years ago

sivansundar commented 4 years ago


While adding multiple files to an array adapter which populates a recycler view, the folder also gets added as an item.

Example :


Twitter is the folder in which the image file is located.


Is there a fix to this?

hedzr commented 4 years ago

Hi @sivansundar I'd run on 1.2.0 (it's our newest release) but the matter not seen. I'm looking for more details...


  1. popup dialog, select the first image
  2. create a new folder via options button bar
  3. select more images and confirm them
  4. It seems working well.
sivansundar commented 4 years ago

The problem still persists. I've chosen multiple files from a folder but the folder also gets added as an item.

As a temporary fix, I've decremented the size of the ArrayList object by 1 in the adapter class.

public class FilesAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<FilesAdapter.ViewHolder>{

private ArrayList<FileList_AddFiles> mFileObject;

public FilesAdapter(ArrayList<FileList_AddFiles> mFileObject) {
    this.mFileObject = mFileObject;

public FilesAdapter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {







public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull FilesAdapter.ViewHolder holder, int position) {

    FileList_AddFiles fileObject = mFileObject.get(position);


public int getItemCount() {

    int size = 0;
    Log.d(TAG, "getItemCount: inside adapter : " + mFileObject.size());
    if(mFileObject.size()>1) {
        size = mFileObject.size()-1;

    }        return size;
hedzr commented 4 years ago

So where the data are coming from, in your mFileObject, I'm expecting what content are saying in chooserDialog.withChosenListener() & withDismissListener()...

Here is an clean multi-select afc picker:

object Demo {
    fun demo2(context: Context, startPath: String, callback: ((paths: ArrayList<String>) -> Unit)? = null) {
        val files = ArrayList<File>()
        val dlg = ChooserDialog(context)
            .withFilter(false, true, "jpg", "jpeg", "png")
            .withResources(R.string.title_choose_file, R.string.title_choose, R.string.dialog_cancel)
            .withOptionResources(R.string.option_create_folder, R.string.options_delete, R.string.new_folder_cancel, R.string.new_folder_ok)
            .withChosenListener { dir, dirFile ->
                if (dirFile.isDirectory) {
                } else if (!files.remove(dirFile)) {
            .withOnDismissListener {
                val paths = ArrayList<String>()
                if (files.isNotEmpty()) {
                    for (file in files) {
            .withDateFormat("dd MMMM yyyy")

And, use it:

Demo.demo2(ctx, "") { paths ->
    val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(ctx, R.style.FileChooserDialogStyle)
    builder.setTitle("${paths.size} files selected:")
        .setAdapter(ArrayAdapter(ctx, android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1, paths), null)