hegemonic / catharsis

A JavaScript parser for Google Closure Compiler and JSDoc type expressions.
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are function params available when using a @typedef? #28

Closed bartvde closed 10 years ago

bartvde commented 10 years ago

I'm trying to parse a typedef such as:

@typedef {function((ol.Coordinate|undefined)): string}

which is part of:

 * A function that formats a {@link ol.Coordinate} into a string.
 * @typedef {function((ol.Coordinate|undefined)): string}
 * @todo stability experimental

but it seems the function param types and the return type are not available in the JSDoc doclet?

Am I missing something here? Or is this not supported?

hegemonic commented 10 years ago

This sounds like a JSDoc feature request, not a Catharsis feature request.

I believe you're asking for the same thing as jsdoc3/jsdoc#576.