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Knockout js 之 pureComputed和computed的区别 #134

Open hehongwei44 opened 8 years ago

hehongwei44 commented 8 years ago


computed: these are functions that are dependent on one or more other observables, and will automatically update whenever any of these dependencies change.


pureComputed: computed observables, introduced in Knockout 3.2.0, provide performance and memory benefits over regular computed observables for most applications. This is because a computed observable doesn’t maintain subscriptions to its dependencies when it has no subscribers itself. This feature:

1.Prevents memory leaks from computed observables that are no longer referenced in an application but whose dependencies still exist.

2.Reduces computation overhead by not re-calculating computed observables whose value isn’t being observed.



Whenever it has no change subscribers, it is sleeping. When entering the sleeping state, it disposes all subscriptions to its dependencies. During this state, it will not subscribe to any observables accessed in the evaluator function (although it does keep track of them). If the computed observable’s value is read while it is sleeping, it is automatically re-evaluated if any of its dependencies have changed.

Whenever it has any change subscribers, it is awake and listening. When entering the listening state, it immediately subscribes to any dependencies. In this state, it operates just like a regular computed observable, as described in how dependency tracking works.



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Data Binding with KnockoutJS</title>

    <script type='text/javascript' src='js/knockout-3.2.0.js'></script> 
        function ViewModel() { 
            var self = this; 

            self.firstName = ko.observable('Steve'); 
            self.lastName = ko.observable('Kennedy'); 

            self.pureComputedExecutions = 0; 
            self.computedExecutions = 0; 

            self.pureComputedFullName = ko.pureComputed(function() { 
                // This is not recommended 
                return 'Hello ' + self.firstName() + ' ' + self.lastName(); 

            self.computedFullName = ko.computed(function() { 
                return 'Hello ' + self.firstName() + ' ' + self.lastName(); 

        var viewModel = new ViewModel(); 

        alert('Pure computed executions: ' + viewModel.pureComputedExecutions); 
        alert('Computed executions: ' + viewModel.computedExecutions); 

When this code is run, two alert messages are displayed that show the number of times the pureComputed and computed functions are called. Since pureComputed is in sleeping mode then the function has never been accessed, and the counter wil display 0. In contrast to this, the computed function is automatically evaluated on data binding, causing the counter to increase the number and display 1.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Data Binding with KnockoutJS</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/knockout-3.4.0.debug.js"></script>
<!--情况一: 通过data-bind指令调用-->
<span data-bind="text: pureComputedFullName"></span>
    function ViewModel() {
        var self = this;

        self.firstName = ko.observable('Steve');
        self.lastName = ko.observable('Kennedy');

        self.pureComputedExecutions = 0;
        self.computedExecutions = 0;

        self.pureComputedFullName = ko.pureComputed(function () {
            // This is not recommended
            return 'Hello ' + self.firstName() + ' ' + self.lastName();

        self.computedFullName = ko.computed(function () {
            return 'Hello ' + self.firstName() + ' ' + self.lastName();

    var viewModel = new ViewModel();

    alert('Pure computed executions: ' + viewModel.pureComputedExecutions);
    alert('Computed executions: ' + viewModel.computedExecutions);


yanhuiyi commented 7 years ago
