heidelberg-makerspace / dai-makerspace-do-something

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improve Cura #37

Open LukasFreeze opened 7 years ago

LukasFreeze commented 7 years ago

something for our Python meetup group (or whoever wants to try): Cura has ease of use and fast slicing speaking for it, but there are several shortcomings that might be fixable (plugins or altering the source?)

I know there was more but can't remember now, feel free to comment what you'd like to see!

LukasFreeze commented 7 years ago

Cura-related code is found at the Ultimaker repository.

emka commented 7 years ago

Dirk has made some progress here.

DirkToewe commented 7 years ago

Yes indeed I did. I made a GitHub project for it and tried to document it a little. You guys can just fork it and modify it. If you have any questions, best ask them here then we have them documented.

DirkToewe commented 7 years ago

It should be enough to copy the CuraLauncher.py into the Cura directory and execute it with python.

To add new/different printer bed models to the GUI, just add more elif-clauses to the if-statement in line 77.

emka commented 7 years ago

I put CuraLauncher.py in the slicing laptop's Cura_15.04.6 directory and created a desktop link "Cura 15.04.6 - Makerspace customized". Launching it does not start Cura yet, even launching in CMD returns immediately. Next step is to install an editor which can handle Unix line returns for further debugging.

emka commented 7 years ago

There are two binaries bundled with Cura, pythonw.exe is called by the default shortcut, but that one does nothing when running CuraLauncher.py. The other one, python.exe fails because distutils is missing.

emka commented 7 years ago

Launching it works now, but I do not remember what @DirkToewe did to solve that.

We still need to create STLs for our printer models.

DirkToewe commented 7 years ago

I blieve there was an unused pkg_resources import which i just removed. In addition to that i added a ~/Documents/Cura Printer Models directory where the STL-files have to be inserted. Unfortunately, including custom printer model backgrounds does not work under Windows. I have not yet figured out why...