heiher / hev-socks5-tunnel

A high-performance tun2socks for Linux/Android/FreeBSD/macOS/iOS/WSL2 (IPv4/IPv6/TCP/UDP)
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macOS : specific/fixed utun device name #106

Closed cattyhouse closed 3 months ago

cattyhouse commented 3 months ago

right now, hev creates a random utun name based on a list of current utun devices, e.g. if there are utun0 utun1 utun2 utun3 before hev runs, then hev creates utun4, no matter what is set for name:, you can even set name: whatever.

all though we can find it via netstat -nr | awk '/^ {print $4}' , the ip is one thing we know for sure, because it is configured in yml.

the reason for a fixed utun name is that 1) pf route-to only accept interface name as parameter 2) we don't have to modify pf.conf each time it starts

heiher commented 3 months ago

If a name is already in use, it cannot be assigned. But we need to let users clearly know that the actual allocated name is different from what is set in the config file. So, isn't it better to report an error when the two are different?

cattyhouse commented 3 months ago

If a name is already in use, it cannot be assigned. But we need to let users clearly know that the actual allocated name is different from what is set in the config file. So, isn't it better to report an error when the two are different?

there is no need to let user to know that or emit errors. i mean if we can do name: utun99 and it actually creates utun99, that would be nice, so we can route-to utun99 in pf.conf :)

heiher commented 3 months ago

I confirmed that the current code does not support static specified name. Maintain the routing configuration in the post-up script so that the actual dynamically assigned name can be obtained in the script's argv[1].

cattyhouse commented 3 months ago

thanks, usage:

cattyhouse commented 3 months ago

can you take a look at it again? i tried this sudo ~/Downloads/tun2socks-darwin-arm64 -device utun123 -proxy socks5:// -interface en0 and it is able to create a utun123 :

ifconfig | grep utun123 :

utun123: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500

off-topic: this tun2socks has the same slow upload issue if using pf route-to method

heiher commented 3 months ago

It seems that macos tun supports both specified names and random assignment. Perhaps random assignment is better? which can effectively avoid failures caused by conflicts.

cattyhouse commented 3 months ago

It seems that macos tun supports both specified names and random assignment. Perhaps random assignment is better? which can effectively avoid failures caused by conflicts.

i think most app creates utun randomly, if hev supports specific name, then we can use e.g. utun9999, nobody is gonna use that. if the specified utun is in use, just emit an error and exit?

heiher commented 3 months ago

Looks good to me. I think we can support both:

specified name

    name: utunN # (N is a number)

if the specified utun is in use, just emit an error and exit.

random assign name

    name: utun
cattyhouse commented 3 months ago


heiher commented 3 months ago

Fixed by: https://github.com/heiher/hev-socks5-tunnel/commit/9790dea4547bb9d6ca68d86058b2ed9a2c7353c7

cattyhouse commented 3 months ago

thanks! it works great!