heikomaass / HMLauncherView

[ABANDONED] UI component for buttons like Apple's SpringBoard
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Unable to compile and run HMLauncherViewExample #2

Closed jsubida closed 12 years ago

jsubida commented 12 years ago

Hi there. I get 7 errors when I open and try to run HMLauncherViewExample. 5 of these errors state that HMLauncher* files cannot be found. The other 2:

  1. error: unable to open executable '/Users/JC/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/HMLauncherViewExample-avwfkwtnfczafkgndwfteeqtpovv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/HMLauncherViewExample.app/HMLauncherViewExample'
  2. Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

How can I fix this?

jsubida commented 12 years ago

Checking out the code using Git breaks it. However, downloading the zip file allows me to run the HMLauncherViewExample.

heikomaass commented 12 years ago

Strange. I've cloned the repository on several macs, and never encountered this issue.

Perhaps the following stackoverflow answers might help you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8746194/unable-to-open-executable-xcode http://stackoverflow.com/a/8345987

jsubida commented 12 years ago

Ah. I wrote a response on cocoacontrols.com. I forgot to post it here, too.


heikomaass commented 12 years ago

Hello, JSubida,

thanks for your detailed error description. I've added quotation marks in the header path.

