heilandd / NFCN2

NFCN2 - for sc- and st_RNAseq
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getSource() function in inferConnectedPathways #1

Open sailseem opened 3 years ago

sailseem commented 3 years ago

Dear developer, It is a great package, I am looking forward to the formal release and detailed tutorials. Well, when I run the scripts, I get a little bit confused about the function " inferConnectedPathways", what's the input? Is it a regular scRNA-seurat dataset, or spatial-formated seurat dataset. And when I look into this function, I cannot get anything by using source.mat <- Seurat::GetAssayData(object)[intersect(genes, pw.ligand), getSource(object)], while getSource(object) returns null.

Can you help me with it? Thanks in advance.

heilandd commented 3 years ago

So, I am sorry for the delay. I have a first short tutorial of the NFCN2. It only include the baseline functions. I hope the final tutorials will be available soon. I case you are interested in specific plots, just let me know and I can add stuff.

-> https://github.com/heilandd/NFCN2/blob/Dev_1/NFCN.html