heimrichhannot / contao-isotope-extension-bundle

4 stars 1 forks source link

Installation error on contao 4.13.8 #2

Open xApep opened 2 years ago

xApep commented 2 years ago

Hey. I have tried to installed this extension but I get the following error.

`$ /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.4.9/bin/php -q -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Ljubljana /Users/master/Sites/furnipark/public/contao-manager.phar.php composer require heimrichhannot/contao-isotope-extension-bundle --no-update --no-scripts --prefer-stable --sort-packages --no-ansi --no-interaction

Info from https://repo.packagist.org: #StandWithUkraine Using version ^0.1.0 for heimrichhannot/contao-isotope-extension-bundle /Users/master/Sites/furnipark/composer.json has been updated

Process terminated with exit code 0

Result: OK

Resolving dependencies using Composer Cloud v3.5.0 !!! Current server is sponsored by: terminal42 gmbh !!!

[7.0MiB/0.26s] Loading composer repositories with package information [68.7MiB/8.72s] Updating dependencies [28.4MiB/9.06s] Lock file operations: 28 installs, 5 updates, 0 removals [28.4MiB/9.07s] - Locking bariew/phpquery (1.0.4) [28.4MiB/9.07s] - Locking contao-community-alliance/events-contao-bindings (4.13.0) [28.4MiB/9.07s] - Locking contao-community-alliance/translator (2.3.1) [28.4MiB/9.08s] - Upgrading contao-components/ace (1.10.1 => 1.11.1) [28.4MiB/9.08s] - Upgrading doctrine/common (3.4.0 => 3.4.1) [28.4MiB/9.08s] - Upgrading doctrine/dbal (3.4.4 => 3.4.5) [28.4MiB/9.08s] - Upgrading doctrine/orm (2.13.1 => 2.13.2) [28.4MiB/9.08s] - Locking eluceo/ical (0.16.1) [28.4MiB/9.09s] - Locking firebase/php-jwt (v4.0.0) [28.4MiB/9.09s] - Locking globalcitizen/php-iban (v2.7.5) [28.4MiB/9.09s] - Locking hackzilla/password-generator (1.6.0) [28.4MiB/9.09s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-ajax (1.3.1) [28.4MiB/9.10s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-be_explanation (1.0.7) [28.4MiB/9.10s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-components (2.2.1) [28.4MiB/9.10s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-formhybrid (3.23.0) [28.4MiB/9.10s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-haste_plus (1.15.11) [28.4MiB/9.11s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-inserttag_download (1.0.2) [28.4MiB/9.11s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-isotope-extension-bundle (0.1.0) [28.4MiB/9.11s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-multi_column_editor (1.4.6) [28.4MiB/9.11s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-notification_center_plus (1.6.2) [28.4MiB/9.11s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-request (1.5.0) [28.4MiB/9.12s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-request-bundle (1.3.1) [28.4MiB/9.12s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-status_messages (2.4.1) [28.4MiB/9.12s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-submissions (1.23.6) [28.4MiB/9.12s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-utils-bundle (2.221.0) [28.4MiB/9.12s] - Locking heimrichhannot/contao-versions (2.4.0) [28.4MiB/9.13s] - Downgrading menatwork/contao-multicolumnwizard-bundle (3.5.7 => 3.4.7) [28.4MiB/9.13s] - Locking phpfastcache/phpfastcache (6.1.5) [28.4MiB/9.13s] - Locking psr/simple-cache (1.0.1) [28.4MiB/9.13s] - Locking soundasleep/html2text (1.1.0) [28.4MiB/9.13s] - Locking symfony/css-selector (v5.4.11) [28.4MiB/9.14s] - Locking tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles (2.2.5) [28.4MiB/9.14s] - Locking wa72/htmlpagedom (v2.0.1) [27.6MiB/9.15s] Writing lock file [13.0MiB/9.18s] 25 package suggestions were added by new dependencies, use composer suggest to see details. [13.8MiB/9.19s] Package facebook/graph-sdk is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. [13.8MiB/9.19s] Package heimrichhannot/contao-ajax is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use heimrichhannot/contao-ajax-bundle instead. [13.8MiB/9.19s] Package heimrichhannot/contao-be_explanation is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use heimrichhannot/contao-be_explanation-bundle instead. [13.8MiB/9.19s] Package heimrichhannot/contao-inserttag_download is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use heimrichhannot/contao-inserttagcollection-bundle instead. [13.8MiB/9.20s] Package heimrichhannot/contao-multi_column_editor is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use heimrichhannot/contao-multi-column-editor-bundle instead. [13.8MiB/9.20s] Package heimrichhannot/contao-request is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use heimrichhannot/contao-request-bundle instead. [13.8MiB/9.20s] Package patchwork/utf8 is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/polyfill-mbstring or symfony/string instead. [13.8MiB/9.20s] Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead. [14.0MiB/9.54s] No security vulnerability advisories found [14.6MiB/9.54s] Memory usage: 14.55MB (peak: 193.28MB), time: 9.55s. [14.6MiB/9.55s] Finished Composer Cloud resolving.

Job ID i5Rf7j68Qnuxi8HaZgw7pB92HSZCe8o6gKUV7puDpFrrOqhhoIOU71zeOkNHEfpURRqMuB8hfLViClHtX1ht3Nj9Md80qBDRgeag9e2ekr73CprWHaObDTq9Tgmd9 completed in 16 seconds

Memory usage: 14.55MB (peak: 193.28MB), time: 9.55s.

$ /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.4.9/bin/php -q -dmax_execution_time=0 -dmemory_limit=-1 -dallow_url_fopen=1 -ddisable_functions= -ddate.timezone=Europe/Ljubljana /Users/master/Sites/furnipark/public/contao-manager.phar.php composer install --no-dev --no-progress --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader

Installing dependencies from lock file Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. Package operations: 28 installs, 5 updates, 0 removals

In ParameterBag.php line 93:

You have requested a non-existent parameter "kernel.root_dir". Did you mean
one of these: "kernel.project_dir", "kernel.build_dir", "kernel.cache_dir"
, "kernel.logs_dir"?

Script @php vendor/bin/contao-setup handling the post-install-cmd event returned with error code 1

Process terminated with exit code 1

Result: General error`

(other extensions install under the same installation goes thru)

koertho commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for reporting. This seems to be an issue with symfony 5 / contao 4.13. Can't promise a soon fix.

Additional please always provide contao-, bundle- and php-version.

xApep commented 2 years ago

Where do I find bundle version?

Contao 4.13.8 PHP 7.4.9

koertho commented 2 years ago

With composer it's composer show heimrichhannot/contao-isotope-extension-bundle, with contao manager it is shown in packages tab.