heiseonline / embetty

🐙 Embetty displays remote content like tweets or YouTube videos without compromising your privacy.
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Missing dist folder #14

Closed heisenbol closed 6 years ago

heisenbol commented 6 years ago

General information

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

I downloaded 1.0.4 from the release page and tried to follow the instructions (option 1) to setup a sample page. There is no ./dist/embetty.js that is mentioned in the docs. Including ./lib/embetty.js results in "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string" in opera + chrome. So the ./lib/embetty.js is obviously not the correct one.

The example pages reference a embetty.js that is also not available.

I did not try the other 2 options as I do not have a suitable dev environment.

So what am I missing?

compeak commented 6 years ago

@sksksksk Thank you for reporting this bug.

We forgot to deploy the build artifacts to GitHub 🤦‍♂️. This should be fixed in v1.0.5.

heisenbol commented 6 years ago

thanks for the quick response.

But I'm afraid that I still don't see the embetty.js file I have to include in my page (downloaded 1.0.5).

There still is not dist folder, and the only embetty.js file is in lib and in test folder, which both produce JS errors

compeak commented 6 years ago

There still is not dist folder

@sksksksk The path mentioned in the readme was wrong. I fixed that yesterday after releasing 1.0.5.

There still is not dist folder, and the only embetty.js file is in lib and in test folder, which both produce JS errors

@sksksksk Please download the release files, not the copy of the repository provided by GitHub:


There is a prebuilt embetty.js included:

screen shot 2018-05-29 at 07 57 56

heisenbol commented 6 years ago

it worked not. Thanks!

compeak commented 6 years ago

it worked not. Thanks!

@sksksksk What?

Please close this issue if the problem has been solved.

heisenbol commented 6 years ago

I am really really sorry: it should have been "it worked now"