Closed core23 closed 5 years ago
We already have an intermediate step by having the CacheInterface I introduced back in the days. I need that in our TYPO3 integration, where I remove the zend dependencies completely and stick the TYPO3 caching framework into place. That works like a charme as the users can simply use the "Clear caches" button of the TYPO3 backend.
The problem is the composer file, where the zend dependency is loaded, even if you don't need it:
where I remove the zend dependencies completely
I adjust the composer.json in my TYPO3 branch to get rid of the zend stuff.
I of course appreciate following as many standards as possible.
Strange enough zendcache is listed as psr/cache dependent, even though it is not required... weird
My last comment explains that way: zendcache requires psr/cache in branch dev-develop
It would be a good idea to implement the PSR caching interface, this would remove the hard dependency to zend and allows you to change the caching library.