helen / wp-19867-9864

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wp_dropdown_pages(): Page hierarchy display #10

Open helen opened 9 years ago

helen commented 9 years ago

What are some ideas for how page hierarchy could be shown for a given item? Right now, the select element indents pages over, which works well for trees with short branches, less so for long branches. A search typically flattens the hierarchy, so a different indicator is needed.

TimothyBJacobs commented 9 years ago

I think the way that select2 handles option groups provides an ideal user experience for selecting a child term, mainly because the parent term is still visible. Of course, however, those option groups aren't selectable, and not-nestable, but if a similar UI would be possible, that seems like a good way to go.

helen commented 9 years ago

@ericandrewlewis sent me this, looks interesting: http://jsbin.com/denidekicudi/2/edit