helfrichmichael / cura-novnc

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connect usb? #14

Closed bushibot closed 12 months ago

bushibot commented 1 year ago

On unraid how would I pass through or connect usb to print directly to a printer (since the unraid box and printer are both in the garage).

helfrichmichael commented 12 months ago

You'll need to do something like: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/47595-how-do-i-pass-through-a-usb-device-to-a-docker-container/

Basically you have to pass the USB device from /dev/* into the container.

bushibot commented 11 months ago

Right, I can do that but what I can't seem to do in cura is map it. In octoprint I can add the port I mapped via the serial config and just map /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 and set it as the port.

helfrichmichael commented 11 months ago

In the console/terminal of the novnc container, can you see the device via lsusb, or the path you passed in? I'm wondering if it's even been bound to the container.

bushibot commented 11 months ago

Seems to be passing it. From container console. That is the same thing I map for octo print and it can communicate.

# ls
bin   cura  etc   lib    media  opt     proc  run   srv  tmp  var
boot  dev   home  lib64  mnt    prints  root  sbin  sys  usr
# ls /dev/serial/by-id/
helfrichmichael commented 11 months ago

What are the permissions of that device? I wonder if there's a read/write/execute issue with the ownership of the device.

ls -la /dev/serial/by-id/ will probably provide this