helga-spivak / 3008

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Additional HW - deadline 08.06.2022 #4

Open helga-spivak opened 2 years ago

helga-spivak commented 2 years ago

Try to create a Technical task for Google Sign-up page (according to HW from the 2d lesson) You should describe the behaviour for the next fields:


Polinkarnilova commented 2 years ago

First Name: -Text box Validation: if user inputs any numbers, then display red border around text box. -Character limit = 50 Validation: when user tries to input "First Name" more than 50 characters, then display red border around text box.

Last Name: -Text box Validation: if user inputs any numbers, then display red border around text box. -Character limit = 50 Validation: when user tries to input "Last Name" more than 50 characters, then display red border around text box.

User name: -Text box -Character limit = 25 Validation: when user tries to input "User Name" more than 25 characters, then display red border around text box. -Unique user name Validation: -when user inputs a not unique user name, than display message "Your user name already exists"

Password: -text box with numbers, letters and symbols

Confirm: Confirm password must be identical to password Validation: If "Confirm Password" is not the same as password, then display red border around confirm password and display a message "Passwords must be identical'.

AntonMatra commented 2 years ago

1) First name: "First Name" → username on passport: a) Text box b) Character limit = 255 c) Validation: once user clicks outside of “First Name” textbox, validate first name character count <= 256 I) If Fails validation, then display red border around text box 2) Last name: "Last Name" → user last name on identification: a) Text box b) Character limit = 255 c) Validation: once user clicks outside of “First Name” textbox, validate Last name character count <= 256 I) If Fails validation, then display red border around text box 3) Username: "Username" → nickname in Google account: a) Text box b) Character limit = 255 c) Validation: once user clicks outside of “First Name” textbox, validate Username character count <= 256 d) In back of ‘Username” must be next text: “@gmail.com” or analogues I) If Fails validation, then display red border around text box

4) Password: “Password” → secret security code: a) Text box b) Character limit from 8 to 15
c) Validation: once user clicks outside of “First Name” textbox, validate Password character count <= 256 d) Use a mix letters,numbers & symbols

5) Confirm: “Confirm” → Password confirmation: a) Text box b) Character limit from 8 to 15 c) Validation: once user clicks outside of “First Name” textbox, validate Password character count <= 256 d) Must match the password with 100% accuracy e) Validation: If "Confirm Password" is not the same as password, then display red border around text box “Confirm I) Password” and display a message "Passwords don't match”

viktoria1807 commented 2 years ago

«First name»:

darya-zhuravskaya commented 2 years ago
  1. First Name Text box Character limit 2 <= length <=25 Validation: once user clicks outside the box, validate displayname character count 2 <= length <=25 If fail validation, then display red border around text box and display the following massage highlighted red: Are you sure you entered your name correctly?

  2. Last Name Text box Character limit 2 <= length <=25 Character set = the first two characters should be letters(A-Z, a-z) Validation: once user clicks outside the box:

    • validate displayname character count 2 <= length <=25
    • validate the character set If any validation fails then display red border around text box and display the following massage highlighted red: Are you sure you entered your name correctly?
  3. User Name Text box Character limit 6 <= username <= 30 Character set = letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), periods (.), if username size is more than 8 symbols then it must include at least one alphabetical character (a-z) Validation: once user clicks outside the box:

    • validate displayname character count 6 <= username <= 30 If fail validation, then display red border around text box and display the following massage highlighted red: Sorry, your username must be between 6 and 30 characters long.
    • validate the character set: if a non-english symbol is entered then display red border around text box and display the following massage highlighted red: Sorry, only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and periods(.) are allowed. If entered 8 and more symbols and these symbols don’t include any English letters then display red border around text box and display the following massage highlighted red: Sorry, usernames of 8 or more characters must include at least one alphabetical character (a-z).
  4. Password, Confirm Character limit = >=8 Validation: once user clicks outside the box:

    • validate displayname character count >= 8 If fail validation, then display red border around text box and display the following massage highlighted red: Use 8 characters or more for your password. Validation. Entered values in both fields mast match. If validation fail then display red border around text box and display the following massage highlighted red: Those passwords didn’t match. Try again.
MariaDanchenko commented 2 years ago

• First name Text box Character limit = 255 Validation: once user clicks outside of “First Name” textbox, validate displayname character count <= 255 If Fails validation, then display red border around text box

• Last Name Text box Character limit = 255 Validation: once user clicks outside of “Last Name” textbox, validate displayname character count <= 255 If Fails validation, then display red border around text box

• Username text box; character limit = 255; unique user name 1) Validation: once user clicks outside of «User name» text box, validate displayname character count <=255. If fails validation, then display red border around text box 2) Validation: once user clicks outside of «User name» text box, validate that displayname must be unique. If «User name» is not unique, filed should be highlated in red and display message «User name is not unique».

• Password text box; character limit: >= 8; password must contain letters, numbers and symbols (at least one for each). 1) Validation: once user clicks outside of «Password» text box, validate displayname character count >=8 If fails validation, then display red border around text box and display message «Password must be longer» 2) Validation: once user clicks outside of «Password» text box, validate mix of letters, numbers and symbols If Password contains only numbers, then display red border around text box and display message «Password must contain letters, numbers and symbols» If Password contains only letters, then display red border around text box and display message «Password must contain letters, numbers and symbols» If Password contains only symbols, then display red border around text box and display message «Password must contain letters, numbers and symbols» If Password contains only numbers and letters, then display red border around text box and display message «Password must contain letters, numbers and symbols» If Password contains only numbers and symbols, then display red border around text box and display message «Password must contain letters, numbers and symbols» If Password contains only letters and symbols, then display red border around text box and display message «Password must contain letters, numbers and symbols»

• Confirm Text box Confirm = Password Validation: once user clicks outside of “Confirm” text box, validate that «Confirm» is the same as «Password» If «Confirm» is not the same as «Password», then display red border around text box «Confirm» and display a message «Those passwords didn’t match. Try again.».

ciaonastya commented 2 years ago


Validation: -if the user leaves the line empty, then display a red frame around the text field and a notification "enter your first and last name"; -if the user enters spaces, then display a red border around the text field; -if the user enters any characters, then display a red border around the text field; -if the user enters any numbers, then display a red border around the text field. Character limit = 1478 Validation: -when the user tries to enter a "Name" of more than 1478 characters, then display a red border around the text field.

Last name:

validation: -if the user leaves the line empty, then display a red border around the text field and a notification; -if the user enters spaces, then display a red border around the text field; -if the user enters any characters, then display a red border around the text field; -if the user enters any numbers, then display a red border around the text field. Character limit = 700 Validation: -when a user tries to enter a "Last Name" of more than 700 characters, then display a red border around the text field.

User name:

Text box Character limit = 30 Validation: -when a user tries to enter a "Username" of more than 30 characters, display a red border around the text field. Validation: -when a user enters a non-unique username, display the message "Your username already exists" -when a user enters a non-unique username, display a message with 5 available names with your username.

Password: -text box with numbers, letters and symbols limit min 8, max 15 Validation: -if the user enters only letters or only numbers, then display the message "Your password must contain numbers and letters". -if the user leaves the field empty, then display the message "Enter password"; -if the user puts spaces, then display the message "Password cannot start or end with a space"; -if the user leaves the "password" field empty, and enters the password in the "confirm" field, then display the message "enter password".


Confirm password must be identical to password verification: If "Confirm Password" does not match the password, then display a red frame around the password confirmation and display the message "Passwords must be identical".

ZhNi5 commented 2 years ago


JuliVoitovich commented 2 years ago

1.First name Text box Required field Character limited =255 Validation: If «First name» text box is null, then display red border around text box and display message «Enter first name»

  1. Last Name Text box Required field Character limited =255 Validation: If «Last Name» text box is null, then display red border around text box and display message «Enter first name»
  2. User name Text box Required field Character set →include letters (a-z), numbers(0-9) and periods(.) Validation: If user writes login in Cyrillic’s, then display red border around text box and display message: Sorry only litters (a-z), numbers(0-9) and periods(.)
  3. Pasword and confirm – text box with Latin letters, numbers and symbol Character limited ≥8 Validation: If user writer login in Cyrillic’s, then display red border around text box and display message: Only use letter’s, numbers and common punctuation characters and display red border around textbox. If user writer login = 7 , then display red border around text box and display message: Use 8 characters or more for you password.
elenaastreika commented 2 years ago
  1. First name. Text box. Character limited from 1 to 55. Check: If the "First Name" text field is 0 or more than 55 characters, then display a red border around the text field. If there are numbers or signs in the field, then display a red border around the text field.
  2. Last name. Text box. Character limited from 1 to 55. Check: If the "Last Name" text field is 0 or more than 55 characters, then display a red border around the text field. If there are numbers or signs in the field, then display a red border around the text field.
  3. Username. Text box and signs "-", "", "!". Character limited from 5 to 20. Check: If the "Username" field is 0-4 or more than 20 characters, then display a red border around the text field. If the "Username" field contains any other characters except "-", "", "!", then display a red border around the field. If «Username» is not unique, then display red border around text box, with the message "This username is busy"
  4. Password. Text box and signs "-", "", "!". Character limited from 7 to 15. Check: If the "Username" field is 0-6 or more than 15 characters, then display a red border around the text field. If the "Username" field contains any other characters except "-", "", "!", then display a red border around the field.
  5. Confirm The confirmation text field must be identical to the password text field. If the confirmation text field does not match, then display a red border around the text field and display the message "Password does not match".
ZhNi5 commented 2 years ago

• First name Text box Character limit = 256 Validation: once user input his First name validate First name character count <= 256

• Last Name Text box Character limit = 256 Validation: once user input his Last name validate Last name character count <= 256

• Username ■ First name is not null ■ Second name is not null Text box Character limit = 256 Validation: once user input his Username validate Username character count <= 256

• Password ■ First name is not null ■ Second name is not null ■ Username is not null Verify if a user cannot enter the characters more than the specified range in each field (First name,Second name,Username).

• Confirm ■ First name is not null ■ Second name is not null ■ Username is not null ■ Password is not null Verify if a user input the text the same as in field Password.