Closed MrMisc closed 9 months ago
trying to tinker randomly with the code since I do not believe there is an example using emphasis on the echarty examples site you have kindly provided.
There are several emphasis examples in ?ec.examples help. All example locations are listed in ?'-- Introduction --'. But no need to limit yourself to examples only. I recommend reading the official ECharts API. Then you'll realize that emphasis in your code is inside the encode list, but should be outside.
Thank you!
I would like to ask you as well, is it possible for 2 things:
Below is my current code depicting what I have managed to do thanks to your examples and help! Thank you!
scatter<-data2 |> group_by(Sub_Continent) |> ec.init(
dataZoom= list(type= 'slider', end= 100,start = 77
,top = '2%',height = 20),
# dataZoom= list(type= 'slider', end= 50,orient = 'vertical'
# ,left = '2%',height = 20),
tooltip= list(show= TRUE),
tl.series= list(lineStyle= list(cap = 'square',opacity = 0.75,curveness=0.1, width=1.5),
encode = list(x = 'Year',y = 'n'),
emphasis= list(focus= 'adjacency',
label= list(position= 'right',
rotate = 350,
type= 'line', groupBy= 'Country'),
xAxis = list(max = 2023,min = 2005)
# visualMap= list(dimension=2, inRange= list( symbolSize = c(35,5)))
- Is it possible to have 2 datazooms?
dataZoom= list(
list(type= 'slider', end= 100, start= 77,top= '2%',height= 20),
list(type= 'slider', end= 100, start= 0, orient='vertical', right=0)
- Is it possible to make the legend bar be sensitive to each frame inside the timeline?
Yes, I answered already with demo code in "Legend issue".
You're right. My apologies, I missed that. Thank you so much.
Can I also get some advice on what I should be doing to avoid the x-axis for bar plots "leaving out" some of the labels? Like for the following
animals<-wahis %>% mutate(Cases = as.integer(Cases),Deaths = as.integer(Deaths)) %>%
filter(`Animal Category` == "Domestic") %>%
group_by(Year,Country,Species) %>%
summarise(n = n(),Cases = sum(Cases), Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
tmp <- animals |> group_by(Year) |> group_split()
cns <- lapply(seq_along(tmp), \(i) { as.list(unique(tmp[[i]]$Country)) })
animals %>%
group_by(Year) |>
title= list(text= 'locale test'),
dataZoom= list(list(type= 'slider'
,top = '2%',height = 20),
list(type= 'slider',orient = 'vertical'
,left = '2%')),
tl.series = list(type ='bar',stack = "grp",
encode = list(x = 'Species',y = 'n'), groupBy= 'Country',
emphasis= list(focus= 'series',
label= list(position= 'right',
rotate = 350,
tooltip = list(show = T))|>
options <- lapply(seq_along(options), \(i) {
options[[i]]$legend$data <- cns[[i]] # fine-tune legends: data by continent
And some of the labels go missing for some reason periodically - which wouldn't be so much of an issue if the x-axis was just numeric, but in this case it is meant to name the different species in the dataset.
Additionally, do you know how echarty, if it is able to, make a horizontal bar chart in descending order, like here?
avoid the x-axis for bar plots "leaving out" some of the labels
ECharts is smart to not overlap axis labels, so it hides some of them. To see them all, labels need to be rotated.
make a horizontal bar chart in descending order
yes, by doing data preprocessing
animals<-wahis %>% mutate(Cases = as.integer(Cases),Deaths = as.integer(Deaths)) %>%
filter(`Animal.Category` == "Domestic") %>%
group_by(Year,Country,Species) %>%
summarise(n = n(),Cases = sum(Cases), Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
legset <- list(show = T,type= "scroll",orient= "horizontal", pageButtonPosition= 'start',
right= 5,top = 30, icon = 'circle', align= 'right', height='85%')
tmp <- animals |> group_by(Year) |> group_split()
cns <- lapply(seq_along(tmp), \(i) { as.list(unique(tmp[[i]]$Country)) })
tmp <- animals |> group_by(Year,Species) |> summarize(ss= sum(n)) |>
ungroup() |> inner_join(animals) |> arrange(desc(ss)) |> group_by(Year) |> group_split()
xax <- lapply(seq_along(tmp), \(i) { as.list(unique(tmp[[i]]$Species)) })
animals |> group_by(Year) |>
title= list(text= 'locale test'), xAxis= list(axisLabel= list(rotate=75)),
dataZoom= list(list(type= 'slider',top = '2%',height = 20),
list(type= 'slider',orient = 'vertical',left = '2%')),
tl.series = list(type ='bar',stack = "grp",
encode = list(x = 'Species',y = 'n'), groupBy= 'Country',
emphasis= list(focus= 'series',
label= list(position= 'right',
rotate = 350,
tooltip = list(show= T))|>
ec.upd({ legend <- legset
options <- lapply(seq_along(options), \(i) {
options[[i]]$legend$data <- cns[[i]] # fine-tune legends: data by continent
options[[i]]$xAxis$data <- xax[[i]] # bars sorted by height
Thank you so much!
I apologise but for this type of configuration, why does the title argument not quite work here? I have been trying to tinker with that as well but to no avail.
I am also struggling to understand what causes the timeline Year title to pop up on the top left here (not that I don't want it)? I want to understand where this is being instructed in the code.
Just as an update, I am at this point thanks to you.
animals<-wahis %>% mutate(Cases = as.integer(Cases),Deaths = as.integer(Deaths)) %>%
filter(`Animal Category` == "Domestic") %>%
group_by(Year,Country,Species) %>%
summarise(n = n(),Cases = sum(Cases), Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
tmp <- animals |> group_by(Year) |> group_split()
cns <- lapply(seq_along(tmp), \(i) { as.list(unique(tmp[[i]]$Country)) })
tmp <- animals |> group_by(Year,Species) |> summarize(ss= sum(n)) |>
ungroup() |> inner_join(animals) |> arrange(desc(ss)) |> group_by(Year) |> group_split()
xax <- lapply(seq_along(tmp), \(i) { as.list(unique(tmp[[i]]$Species)) })
subset(animals,Species != "0") %>%
group_by(Year) |>
xAxis = list(name = 'Species',nameLocation = 'start',
nameTextStyle = list(fontWeight ='bolder'),
axisLabel = list(rotate = 346,width = 65,
overflow = 'truncate')),
yAxis = list(name = "Count",nameLocation = 'start',
nameTextStyle = list(fontWeight ='bolder')),
dataZoom= list(type= 'slider',orient = 'vertical'
,left = '2%'),
tl.series = list(type ='bar',stack = "grp",
encode = list(x = 'Species',y = 'n'), groupBy= 'Country',
emphasis= list(focus= 'series',
label= list(position= 'right',
rotate = 350,
title = list(text = "Outbreak incidents by year",
left = "10%", top = 10, textStyle = list(fontWeight = "normal", fontSize = 20),
text = "WAHIS Dataset",
left = "10%", top = 17, textStyle = list(fontWeight = "normal", fontSize = 14))),
tooltip = list(show = T))|>
options <- lapply(seq_along(options), \(i) {
options[[i]]$legend$data <- cns[[i]] # fine-tune legends: data by continent
options[[i]]$xAxis$data <- xax[[i]]
good progress, several issues need to be addressed however:
subset(animals,Species != "0")
should be applied also for xax - now there are empty 0 columns for years 2019-2023what causes the timeline Year title to pop up on the top left here
Automatically generated by echarty and that is a bug - should not overwrite the one set by the user. Below is a workaround, it will work after you take care of the above three issues.
options <- lapply(seq_along(options), \(i) {
options[[i]]$legend$data <- cns[[i]]
options[[i]]$xAxis$data <- xax[[i]]
tita <- title # that is the 'general' title from ec.init
tita$text <- paste(tita$text, options[[i]]$title$text)
options[[i]]$title <- tita # here we set a title for each timeline step
Brilliant. Thank you so much.
I think it would be appropriate to ask my next question in the next thread, but just so I am not potentially wasting time, I would like to simply clarify - is it possible for echarty to connect 2 plots together like echarts4r demonstrates with e_connect and binding datasets together?
I was planning on asking a question on asking about binding something like this to a pie chart that would change alongside the barchart with every frame in the timeline?
a pie chart that would change alongside the barchart with every frame in the timeline?
See latest example in #3, it has sample code.
is it possible for echarty to connect 2 plots together like echarts4r demonstrates with e_connect and binding datasets together?
Yes, charts having the same dataset are easily connected, see API connect.
main <- mtcars |> mutate(name=rownames(mtcars)) |>
ec.init(height= 300,
legend= list(show=T),
dataZoom= list(type='inside'),
tooltip= list(axisPointer= list(axis='x'))
main$x$group <- 'group1' # same group name for all charts
main$x$connect <- 'group1' # activate connection
chs <- lapply(list('hp','wt','drat','qsec'), \(vv) {
main$x$opts <- within(main$x$opts, {
series[[1]]$encode <- list(y= vv)
series[[1]]$name <- yAxis$name <- vv
tooltip$formatter <- ec.clmn(paste('%@<br>',vv,': %@'), 'name', vv)
ec.util(cmd='layout', chs, cols=2, title='group connect on zoom & tooltip')
I am curious about how to leverage features from echarts using echarty such as emphasis and marker/line size. I am using pretty much the same example as before (I opened this up as a separate issue since I do not know if it is right to squeeze all my issues into one thread).
My current implementation of focus doesn't work, and I am currently just trying to tinker randomly with the code since I do not believe there is an example using emphasis on the echarty examples site you have kindly provided.
I would really appreciate your guidance regarding this. Thank you for your time.