Support Generating OpenAPI documents for Helidon SE based application.
Some ideas:
custom set of annotations + annotation processor
support MicroProfile OpenAPI annotations
code introspection at build-time (complexity is questionable)
exercise routing with a dummy WebServer implementation similar to io.helidon.webserver.testsupport.TestWebServer
Introspection is limited because of the programmatic model of SE.
Hints are required from the user, we will need a way to specify additional metadata, with annotations or perhaps special objects passed to the routing.
what headers does an endpoint accept
what response code are returned / when
what entities are returned / when
Supporting the MicroProfile OpenAPI annotations could converge the MP and SE support. We could decide to support build-time only for Helidon SE.
Support Generating OpenAPI documents for Helidon SE based application.
Some ideas:
Introspection is limited because of the programmatic model of SE. Hints are required from the user, we will need a way to specify additional metadata, with annotations or perhaps special objects passed to the routing.
Supporting the MicroProfile OpenAPI annotations could converge the MP and SE support. We could decide to support build-time only for Helidon SE.