heliophysicsPy / gallery

A Gallery of Examples and Tutorials
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Coordinate conversion example is not online #36

Open wafels opened 1 year ago

wafels commented 1 year ago

The last accepted PR from sapols on coordinate conversion has not appeared at heliopython.org. Does the page need to be recompiled in order for it to appear online? I noticed the PR seemed to have failed a check - is that causing an issue?

sapols commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the poor communication about this, @wafels. The PyHC gallery hasn't been updated in quite a while. Its CI deploy job sorta irreparably broke early this year, and the tech stack was pretty untenable anyway. So we've been in the process of rebuilding the gallery from the ground up.

The coordinate conversion example is in the new gallery: https://incredible-sunburst-2db68d.netlify.app/src/coordinate_systems.html

You can tell by the URL we haven't connected it to the heliopython domain. It isn't quite ready for showtime yet. However, some benefits of the new version include: examples are uploaded as regular .ipynb notebooks rather than that weird .py format, more options to run the examples (Binder, Colab, right there on the webpage), and the dev environment is more transparent/updatable.