helios-ag / FMElfinderBundle

:file_folder: ElFinderBundle provides ElFinder integration with TinyMCE, CKEditor, Summernote editors
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Trash Volume does not get deleted files #399

Open jrabahiClaraVista opened 4 years ago

jrabahiClaraVista commented 4 years ago


Great bundle, I have integrated it in a symfony4 project and connected it To a s3 bucket on AWS. It works but I add to do a few research and configuration to make it works properly (adding a reload parameter to the elconnect route in order to get up to date content to simulate the refresh clic). I set up the thumbnail system as well.

Now I'm trying to make the trash volume working here is my configuration (yaml) :

                        driver: Flysystem  
                        alias: Volume 1                                                                 
                        url: '%env(s3_url)%/%env(brand_folder)%/%env(user_folder)%'
                            type: aws_s3_v3
                                    key: '%env(s3_key)%'
                                    secret: '%env(s3_secret)%'
                                    bucket_name: '%env(s3_bucket_name)%'
                                    region: '%env(s3_region)%'
                                    version: latest
                        path: '%env(brand_folder)%/%env(user_folder)%'
                        tmb_path: '%env(brand_folder)%/.tmb'
                        tmb_url: '%env(brand_folder)%/.tmb'
                        upload_deny: ['all']                                                              
                        upload_allow: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'text/plain']  
                        upload_order: ['deny','allow']                                                      
                        img_lib: gd
                        trash_hash: t1_XA
                        volume_id: 1
                        driver: Trash
                        alias: Trash
                        url: '%env(brand_folder)%/.trash'
                        path: '%env(brand_folder)%/.trash'
                        tmb_path: '%env(brand_folder)%/.tmb'
                        tmb_url: '%env(brand_folder)%/.tmb'
                        upload_deny: ['all']
                        upload_allow: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'text/plain']
                        upload_order: ['deny', 'allow']
                        show_hidden: true

But impossible to get any deleted files in the trash volume to restaure them. I am not sure of is the trash_hash option value, I put the value of the Trash hash volume. Did you ever use the Trash configuration ?

Best regards.

ghost commented 3 years ago


Sorry for the time without Response Try this for the trash volume LnRyYXNo actually your trash hash is base64 of "" but "" isn't a folder