helios-ag / FMElfinderBundle

:file_folder: ElFinderBundle provides ElFinder integration with TinyMCE, CKEditor, Summernote editors
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Flysystem SFTP file/directory permissions support #506

Open bckr75 opened 1 year ago

bckr75 commented 1 year ago

Official flysystem documentation states that we should be able to set dir/file permissions, although it is not possible to use this feature in current version of FM Elfinder

I think that we should be able to state this config values in fm_elfinder.yaml.

host: '%env(resolve:ASSETS_HOST)%'
port: 22
username: user
privateKey: '/...'
root: '%env(ASSETS_ROOT)%'
directoryPerm: 0744
permPublic: 0700
permPrivate: 0744

But if I try that I get

Unrecognized options "directoryPerm, permPublic, permPrivate" under "fm_elfinder.instances.default.connector.roots.uploads.flysystem.options.sftp". Available options are "enabled", "host", "password", "port", "privateKey", "root", "timeout", "username".