helios-technologies / skeleton-rails

A gem to include Skeleton CSS into Rails 3.1
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Fix for Rails 3.2 #5

Closed namick closed 12 years ago

namick commented 12 years ago

Hey guys, thanks for putting skeleton into a plugin.

One problem in Rails 3.2

~/code/rails32# rails g skeleton:install /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/skeleton-rails-0.0.1/lib/skeleton-rails/rails/engine.rb:8:in block in <class:Engine>': undefined method<<' for #Rails::Paths::Root:0xa0c0878 (NoMethodError)

This change seems to fix it, and also works in Rails 3.1


mileszs commented 12 years ago

Yes, works as advertised! Please merge it!

Incidentally, before I realized someone else had probably already fixed it, I added

app.config.paths.add File.join(config.root, 'vendor')

... which also seemed to do the trick. Well, I may be missing a nuance; let's just say I wasn't getting an error.

mod commented 12 years ago

We Merged in version 0.0.2 Thank you for your contribution

namick commented 12 years ago

No problem. Thanks for this plugin.