heliosdrm / pwr

Basic functions for power analysis in R
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value d for method pwr.t.test() #22

Open LonelyJerry opened 4 years ago

LonelyJerry commented 4 years ago

I am wondering whether the d is actually dz rather than cohen'd when the type = c('paired'), because when I assigend the same value to 'effect size dz' in the G*Power software, the result is completely the same as the output of the pwr.t.test().

heliosdrm commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the comment.

The manual of pwr defines d as "Effect size (Cohen's d) - difference between the means divided by the pooled standard deviation". This receives different labels in Cohen's book, as d, d3 (for one sample) or dz (for one sample of differences between paired observations), but it's essentially the same concept.

Let aside the nomenclature given in G*Power, do you think that the way it is defined in the manual is misleading?

LonelyJerry commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the comment.

The manual of pwr defines d as "Effect size (Cohen's d) - difference between the means divided by the pooled standard deviation". This receives different labels in Cohen's book, as d, _d_3 (for one sample) or dz (for one sample of differences between paired observations), but it's essentially the same concept.

Let aside the nomenclature given in G*Power, do you think that the way it is defined in the manual is misleading?

Thanks for your reply.

I think there may be one potential confusion caused by the use of Cohen'd for paired t test. When one use the 'small', 'medium', 'large' criterion of the effect size, he will recognize the cohen'd value as 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 natrually. However, for the paired t test, the real cohen'd value (used in the power table in chapter 2 of the cohen's book) is sqrt(2)dz. If one doesn't know that, when he want to get the power for a paired t-test given a large effect size (cohen'd =0.8), he will set the d value of 0.8 to the pwr.t.test(). When he do that, he use the dz of 0.8 and cohen'd of sqrt(2)0.8 indeed. Consequently, he will overestimate the power.

Maybe I am wrong, but the mixed use of dz and cohen'd is often confusing for non-experts.

heliosdrm commented 4 years ago

Cohen used different symbols like d and dz, as you say, because of the transformation needed to look into the power table. Anyway, in both cases the represented value is the one expressed in the manual: "difference between means divided by the pooled standard deviation".

If users may still be confused, it's ok to add a note in the documentation, but in such case, I think it would be also necessary to comment on the case of the "one sample test" - which is actually the same case.

If you have a specific proposal about how to explain this in a clear way for novice users, feel free to propose it --or better, to submit a pull request--. This should go into the file man/pwr.t.test.Rd.