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Helium Improvement Proposals
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Helium 2024 amend 84 #1019

Closed mrfizzy99 closed 3 weeks ago

mrfizzy99 commented 1 month ago

HIP 122: Amend Service Provider Hex Boosting


This HIP aims to do three (3) things to amend HIP-84 Service Provider Hex Boosting.

  1. Create a dedicated Service Provider Hex Boosting Rewards bucket. This will be 10% of the current 60% PoC bucket.
  2. Reduce the minimum time for Service Provider Hex Boosting to 3 months.
  3. Limit FUTURE boost creation to a maximum of 10x.

HIP-84 Service Provider Hex Boosting, provides too much unilateral control over where rewards are distributed to any service provider at the expense of the network PoC distribution pool with no limits. If a service provider decides to hex boost all of Miami, the rewards distributed on behalf of the network is disproportionate to the amount burned and will disincentivize the remaining nationwide deployments on the network for the sole purpose of that service provider, ultimately dictating where the majority of rewards should go. While this author understands that the first service provider on the network is key to the network's success for future service providers to join, it should not be at the detriment of the network's natural expansion nationwide into other cities, and internationally. Boosted Hexes rewards should be a minor part of the tokenomics distribution. With this in mind, part of this amendment also benefits the service provider in regards to HIP-84. 

Prior / Related HIPs


This HIP is being proposed to address some concerns about the original implementation of HIP-84.


Detailed Explanation

This HIP aims to do three (3) things to amend HIP-84 Service Provider Hex Boosting.

  1. Create a dedicated Service Provider Hex Boosting Rewards bucket. This will be 10% of the current 60% PoC bucket.

    • Any excess of the 10% that is not used, gets distributed back to the regular 50% PoC bucket.
    • Because of this 10% limit for the newly created Hex Boosting Bucket, this would enable a dynamic maximum / ceiling for hex boosts depending on the number of hexes that are actively pulling for boosted rewards. As of writing this HIP, the allocation of PoC to boosted hexes is far above 10%.
    • You can compare this to the existing ecosystem in general, where there is a fixed pool, and the more hotspots that are deployed in boosted areas, the lower the maximum rewards that boosted hexes could get.
    • The most obvious example would be 100x boosts, which would no longer earn 100x and would become more of the maximum percentage that anyone in the boosted hex could earn out of the service provider pool once all boosted hexes are calculated. 10x boosted hexes would still be limited to 10x and are less likely to be reduced in this dynamic structure, while only the higher boosts could be subject to hitting the maximum threshold if the pool is already completely allocated.
    • The Helium Planner has always stated "Up to ##x"; so this precedent has already been set that none of the boosted hexes multipliers have been guaranteed that exact multiplier, and it could be lower.        
  2. Reduce the minimum time for Service Provider Hex Boosting to 3 months.

    • Currently set to 6 months, reducing this to 3 months allows Service Providers more flexibility in boosting a hex that they may be unsure of the actual value of that location.
    • It also sets more precedent for deployers to not get accustomed to making contracts based on the boosted time, but rather that this is just a reward to jumpstart the deployment. 
  3. Limit FUTURE boost creation to a maximum of 10x.

    • Currently uncapped, we as a community have come to the conclusion that the 100x boosted hexes will mostly breed reward-chasing and attempted gaming of PoC.
    • This can be proven as there were very few people (if not no one) deploying within boosted hexes prior to the value oracle of MOBILE changing drastically late in 2023. It is this author's opinion that boosted hexes should incentivize a longer-term deployment strategy, and the deployers should have their goals aligned with that in mind. With the current multipliers that can be set, the goals of the deployments in these are not long-term but only short-term. This multiplier would only reduce the maximum for any future hex boosting and not change any current boosted hexes once passed.


In the future (when there are only up to 10x boosts), this theoretically limits the maximum amount of boosted hexes that service providers could create and be active during a range of time without hitting the maximum bucket limit. Which in turn could no longer guarantee the 10x boosts and would eventually really become 9.8x boosts, or 9.5x boosts, and so forth as more boosted hotspots get rewarded from the bucket. 

Rationale and Alternatives

There are a few alternatives to HIP-84 that are being discussed; however, the most prominent topic discussed is where the allocation of rewards comes from which this HIP addresses.

Unresolved Questions

I will add them as they come up in discussion. 

Deployment Impact

This will impact the emissions allocation for boosted hexes, switching from being unlimited within the current PoC bucket to a bucket dedicated to boosted rewards and capped at 10% of emissions. Because of this, PoC rewards for non-boosted hexes will see an increase. 

Success Metrics

The success of this HIP will show when over-boosted areas get rewards redistributed back into the regular PoC bucket. 

abhay commented 1 month ago

Does not appear to be mergable as it needs to delete/replace the old file too.


waveform06 commented 1 month ago

Stakeholders section is too vague "The MOBILE Subdao" isn't specific enough. How does it affect subscribers? Suggest: Service Providers assigning boosted Hex Rewards Possible earnings change for

In Deployment Impact. Who has agreed to code this or who are you requesting to code it?

abhay commented 1 month ago

This looks like this still needs some conflict resolution / rebasing, @mrfizzy99.