helium / longfi-platformio

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Getting started link in Readme is dead / need better instructions on how to download and install the firmware examples #7

Open sysfu opened 10 months ago

sysfu commented 10 months ago

I think this is the current getting started link: https://docs.helium.com/network-iot/devices/development/heltec/cubecell-dev-board/platformio The information at this link appears to be outdated as well because it make reference to Manual updates to the Heltec runtime libraries which now appear to be unnecessary.

There also needs to be better instructions about how to download or install the two firmware examples. With Arduino it's pretty straightforward, download the sketch file and open it up. With Platform.io it's a bit more obtuse and involves copying and pasting the longfi firmware examples into the projects src/main.cpp file. Newbs will also be confused because they don't know if all the other files included in the repository are necessary, or what to do with them, how to install them in VS Codes Platform.io extension, etc.

slivingston commented 8 months ago

@sysfu Thanks for catching the broken link and for feedback about clarity. I will open PRs accordingly.