helium / mappers

Mappers Frontend and API
Apache License 2.0
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Improve visibility on livemapped tiles #87

Open takeabyte opened 2 years ago

takeabyte commented 2 years ago

Would be great to have a different color e.G. red (with same opacity values following RSSI/SNR as the green tiles) for newly mapped hexes. There could be a timeframe for every new uplink under 5h will be showing red and after that change to mapped green tiles. That way, if you are remapping or passing by a well mapped area, you can see which ones are fresh.

HNT-DXB commented 2 years ago

On the flip side, a colour change to denote a hex containing a HS that has NOT been re-mapped for more than say 3 months. This may indicate that a HS has moved, and in turn the corresponding coverage may no longer be valid. If a HS is not remapped after say 6 months, it's data should be removed from Mappers.

zl3ag commented 2 years ago

Possibly also include a numeric count of the number of hotspots in the hex, along with the number of them that responded to a mapper ping?

kent-williams commented 1 year ago

I do like this idea and it's an easy change. @jthiller what do you think about changing the fill outline color to something really noticeable?

Ducktatorrr commented 1 year ago

Any way to get this implemented? I believe it's important we get proper visibility on recently mapped hexes now more than ever since some hotspot operators have been turning off their hotspots. If we keep the mappers map as it is now we'll be like explorer showing where once was coverage but in reality, that coverage is no longer available.