helium / mappers

Mappers Frontend and API
Apache License 2.0
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Highlighted hotspot z-index preventing hex click #95

Open mcauser opened 2 years ago

mcauser commented 2 years ago

The yellow highlighted hotspot is blocking the ability to click hexes underneath. To click on a hex under a yellow hotspot, you need to scroll away, click on a different hex, scroll back and click on the one you wanted.


Siegfried-B commented 2 years ago

A possible but not yet implemented solution (workaround) has been mentioned in Issue "Add Option to Clear Upinks Heard Layers #50" but feels more like a side thought there. The problem you mention is worth being mentioned as an issue on its own, so thanks for bringing it up.

When mapping, which I mainly doing by walking with a lot of checking the mapped hexes, I work around this in two ways:

  1. The way you mentioned (which is working less and less the better the coverage/redundancy in the area is).
  2. Reloading the map, then recentering using the "Find my location" button. It would help me a lot while mapping if pressing the "Find my location" button also triggered a reload of the coverage map (which always clears the highlights and makes all hexes accessible again) before recentering the map. It would be a crude workaround until there is a real solution, but it should be very easy to implement.
mcauser commented 2 years ago

Would be nice if you could click on the purple hex again to deselect it.