helium / miner

Miner for the helium blockchain
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Unstake NOT WORKING #1812

Closed tsouza closed 1 year ago

tsouza commented 1 year ago

Please someone help me. My wallet address is 14NvSPHti6K32U6Lven9XMkPEusRfog8jYtUACgm3hqgaPenwyY I have performed unstake and transaction is ySXXsHtZHLo15khyfkEhvVOYGxXb_fT_odQRz3XsLq0. The stake height release is 1498909 and at this moment the block height is already 1503114 but when I access the api https://api.helium.io/v1/accounts/14NvSPHti6K32U6Lven9XMkPEusRfog8jYtUACgm3hqgaPenwyY it still says that value is staked. I checked the ledger and it also says it's 10k staked. How can it still be staked if stake release height has already passed?!?!?!?!

I tried to withdraw the funds and it's stuck

The unstake transaction https://api.helium.io/v1/transactions/ySXXsHtZHLo15khyfkEhvVOYGxXb_fT_odQRz3XsLq0

Here says Stake Released, but Stake HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED. https://explorer.helium.com/txns/ySXXsHtZHLo15khyfkEhvVOYGxXb_fT_odQRz3XsLq0

Vagabond commented 1 year ago

What happens when you try to withdraw the funds? From what I can see it looks like the unstake worked.

Vagabond commented 1 year ago

Here's your account balance at two ledger heights, which shows you have 10k in your account you did not before:

(val2_miner@> blockchain:height(blockchain_worker:blockchain()).
(val2_miner@> blockchain_ledger_v1:find_entry(libp2p_crypto:b58_to_bin("14NvSPHti6K32U6Lven9XMkPEusRfog8jYtUACgm3hqgaPenwyY"), blockchain:ledger()).
{ok,#blockchain_ledger_entry_v2_pb{nonce = 22,
                                   hnt_balance = 84459594,hst_balance = 0,mobile_balance = 0,
                                   iot_balance = 0}}
(blockchain_etl@> blockchain:height(blockchain_worker:blockchain()).
(blockchain_etl@> blockchain_ledger_v1:find_entry(libp2p_crypto:b58_to_bin("14NvSPHti6K32U6Lven9XMkPEusRfog8jYtUACgm3hqgaPenwyY"), blockchain:ledger()).
{ok,#blockchain_ledger_entry_v2_pb{nonce = 23,
                                   hnt_balance = 1000078599695,hst_balance = 0,
                                   mobile_balance = 0,iot_balance = 0}}
tsouza commented 1 year ago

Hi @Vagabond, thanks for replying. After some help from devs in discord channel it was told me that this is an issue that happens some times and making a payment to/from the account solves the issue. I just did it and HNT has been unstaked.

We can close this.